Animation Showing Why Arctic Alarmists Are In Trouble

Over the last two years, older thicker ice has been moving into the western Arctic (towards Alaska) making low summer minimums much less likely. Color code shows ice age in years


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Animation Showing Why Arctic Alarmists Are In Trouble

  1. R. Shearer says:

    The real fun begins when the 5+ year ice reaches the Berents sea!

  2. Keith says:

    THis is cool but it also shows that a lot of thick multi-year ice escaped the Arctic by moving down the east coast of Greenland in the Greenland Sea between Svalbard and Greenland.

    • If it didn’t do that, the Arctic Ocean would be full of ice thousands of feet deep.

    • SteveO says:

      Really? There is so much ice being pushed toward the Greenland – Canada – Alaska shores that some of it (not “a lot”) spills into the bigger sea, and you notice the trickle leaving? Look at the big picture.

    • TomC says:

      Sea-ice is *almost* always leaving the Arctic basin via the Fram Strait. It is the amount which is important. If you compare the last two years to say, 1988-1996 which ice transport was extremely high, you’ll get a sense of how low it has been the last two years.

  3. tom0mason says:

    Like the comments here ( about ENSO, the ice at the North Pole is the product of not only temperature and ocean current but also the unique geography (i.e. the shape, or even the overall geomorphology) of the area. IMO the ice accumulation is a product of the wind, ocean currents, and temperture and their unique circulatory interaction with these topographic features.

    • tom0mason says:

      That’s to say the North Pole’s unique characteristics determine how and when ice accumulates and disperses more than Hansen’s lunatic hypothesis that the Arctic is somehow a predictor of global conditions. The condition of the Arctic does not predict anything it is only affected by what is current.

  4. Gamecock says:

    There’s something hokie about this animation. I keep staring at the yellow bands, expecting them to turn red. 4 year old ice (yellow) should turn to 5 year old ice (red) within a year. It doesn’t.

    • SteveO says:

      It does. Look when the ice finishes contracting. You see a discontinuity in the colors. It happens twice, one at about the middle of the animation, and again at the end.

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