How To Get People To Do Really Bad Things

Hitler convinced Germans that Jews threaten their very existence.

Obama convinced Democrats that Republicans threaten their very existence.

That is why the global warming scam is so important to Obama and the Democrats. It is way to get the useful idiots fired up to commit evil acts. Fortunately, we have the Internet now – to suppress evil by spreading information.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to How To Get People To Do Really Bad Things

  1. geran says:

    And, here’s a tad of information to spread. I was doing some research into the history of the Kentucky Derby last April. I found this:

    If you do a simple average of temps for the first five years of the race (1875-1879) and compare to the last five years, you get an average DROP of 5.8ºF.


  2. For much of recent history a powerful elite in academia dictated to the rest of us what was truth and what was not. Much of that was little more than political claptrap dressed up in grandiose language. But the established media, worked with the established academics to reinforce the message of the establishment to the establishment and people.

    And if you deviated from that message you were labelled as some conspiracy theorist, lunatic, etc. and effectively banned from having your views or the evidence supporting your views heard.

    Then along came the internet. And suddenly those who objected to the nonsense this establishment were force feeding us, suddenly had a way to communicate to the general public without going through the gatekeepers of academia and the media.

    And now we are fast moving toward a meritocracy of truth. Truth isn’t what some establishment figure in academia tells us and it certainly isn’t what some media lacky in the BBC tells us. Now truth is something we can all judge for ourselves by looking at the evidence in the raw on the internet.

    It’s as big or perhaps bigger than the printing revolution which allowed people to see the evidence of the “holy book” without having some priest tell them what to believe.

    Once you give people access to the facts, whether the bible or climate data, you can’t stop them coming to their own conclusions – conclusions that do not need some corrupt establishment hierarchy telling us what to believe.

    • Jason Calley says:

      Hey Scottish Sceptic! “It’s as big or perhaps bigger than the printing revolution which allowed people to see the evidence of the “holy book” without having some priest tell them what to believe.”

      Yes! I keep telling my friends that “we are living in the time of Gutenberg V2.0!” Seriously, the world is being reformed by the new access to information — and much of the chaos we see around us is a result of the ongoing shakeup of established power structures. The information gatekeepers are falling, and that will be good for everyone on the planet, at least in the long run.

      We have much to be optimistic about.

  3. Jason Calley says:

    Hey Tony! “It is way to get the useful idiots fired up to commit evil acts. Fortunately, we have the Internet now – to suppress evil by spreading information.”

    As I get older I believe more and more that every evil act starts with a lie. The only way to get most (non-sociopathic) people to do really bad things is to first convince them of a lie.

    • tom0mason says:

      “It is way to get the useful idiots fired up to commit evil acts. Fortunately, we have the Internet now – to suppress evil by spreading information.”

      But the political writers, the adgenda informers, the liberal mindset hacks are already there, misinforming by flagging-up the wrong things, authoring gray facts, inventing new bogus characters and situations, while pretending to be what they are not. Propagandizing, obscuring reality, lying, and always doing their master’s bidding.

      These days, on the internet, it just happens faster that’s all.

  4. squid2112 says:

    Fortunately, we have the Internet now – to suppress evil by spreading information.

    Oh, but then you get political commenting hacks like Bill O’Reilly demonizing the internet. A progressive masquerading as a conservative, wants to impose regulations and controls on the Internet. Sounds like suppression of free speech to me (you hearing me Bill?).

  5. bobmaginnis says:

    From 2011:
    MARC MORANO: His nickname is “George W. Obama.” Obama’s negotiator, Todd Stern, will be here today. They have kept the exact same principles and negotiating stance as President George Bush did for eight years. Obama has carried on Bush’s legacy. So, as skeptics, we tip our hat to President Obama in helping crush and continue to defeat the United Nations process. Obama has been a great friend of global warming skeptics at these conferences. Obama has problems, you know, for us, because he’s going through the EPA regulatory process, which is a grave threat. But in terms of this, President Obama could not have turned out better when it came to his lack of interest in the congressional climate bill and his lack of interest in the United Nations Kyoto Protocol. So, a job well done for President Obama.”

  6. Twitter is the anti-liberator. By using it, we implicitly endorse the technology. By endorsing it, we increase the migration over to it from technologies that enable actual, meaningful thought and an organized thought process. By increasing that migration, we decrease the visits to the older, superior technologies (blogs and traditional websites).

    The opposition has seen what we’ve seen, and is taking steps to shut down what we know as “the internet”. Twitter is its number-one weapon, because Twitter is reprogramming people to think smaller, less meaningful / less accurate thoughts, and to spend less time on each important thought so that they will fail to understand it. It is the technological corollary to Newspeak.

    After they are done reprogramming people’s brains, the need to lie to them will be much less, because generally the people won’t even care what’s going on. All that will matter to them is “I’m talking to the right people, the ones who like Twitter like I do. Doesn’t matter what we talk about, because I’m not absorbing any of it, anyway. The important thing is, we’re all here!”

    It would have taken me approximately seven tweets to post the above paragraphs on Twitter. This fact alone is conclusive positive proof that the purpose of Twitter is to discourage any well-formed idea that finds fault with the way things are, from being read.


  7. BallBounces says:

    “Fortunately, we have the Internet now – to suppress evil by spreading information.”

    And the Internet was invented by warmalarmisto Al Gore. Oh, the irony!

    • nielszoo says:

      I don’t seem to remember when AlGore™ was in charge of ARPA or DARPA… considering that he was still in college when the first networks were set up. The records must have been lost in a hard drive crash.

  8. How to make people do things?

    Obama Asserts Fast and Furious Executive Privilege Claim for Holder’s Wife

    Ancient stuff. Droit du seigneur. Just not likely ius primae noctis.

    h/t Drudge

  9. bleakhouses says:

    It is the disregard of didacticism and the embracing of the Hegelian dialectic.

  10. Tel says:

    Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

    – Voltaire (1694 – 1778)

    The more things change, the more they are the same.

    – Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr (1808 – 1890)

  11. Justa Joe says:

    The warmist meme can be turned back just like international communism was halted. Of course, like the roaches that they are they never really completely go away.

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