The sea level guys apparently were jealous over the amount of data tampering which the temperature guys get to do, so one day in 2012 they increased Envisat sea level rise from 0.466 mm/year to 2.33 mm/year.
Overlay at the same scale.
But 2.33 mm.year still wasn’t up to alarmist standards, so they chucked the satellite, added the 100% fraudulent GIA, and declared sea level rise to be 3.2 mm.year
It snowed a lot here in 2008/2009. A post at jonova shows both upper and lower ocean heat content dropped then. Unadjusted hadcrut global mean (wood fortrees) shows the atmosphere was cool too.
When these clowns can adequately explain where the heat went that year, maybe they deserve a listen.
Missing heat MA, it wasn’t there to start with. They are fabricating reality for us, but not forever.
The solar vitals for 2008/2009 are just a coincidence I’m sure.
When you start with an instrument that has a +/- of 2 cm resolution and then try to tell me what the sea level rise is to the nearest tenth of a mm; I’m not believing any of it. All results from satellites are BS when the rate of sea level rise is less than 10 cm/year. The people who built these sea level measurement satellites were told the sea level was going to climb quickly. If sea level rise were at the accelerated rate that was predicted (20′ in 20 years), then 2 cm resolution would make sense.
And around the world all the tidal sea level gauges see that rise – NOT!
Jo Nova had a very good post on this a while back …
The real scientist who did a study on sea levels found that, lo and behold, the models bore no relationship to observations. Obviously the data must be wrong …
Obviously …
On top of that the geologic data says the sea levels are dropping.
A nice list to shove down the throats of the Warmunists.
Mid to late Holocene sea-level reconstruction of Southeast Vietnam using beachrock and beach-ridge deposits
Sea-level highstand recorded in Holocene shoreline deposits on Oahu, Hawaii
Holocene sea-level change and ice-sheet history in the Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica
The above is a RELATIVE sealevel curve. the area is not tectonically stable because the area has isostatic uplift in response to deglaciation from the Wisconsin Ice Age.
A new Holocene relative sea level curve for the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Verification by another method:
Sea Level Changes Past Records and Future Expectations
Yet another amazing example of rewriting of history. Could you though fix the overlay since at the moment it does not fit with the scales…
Sea level rise, in fact, is 1.5 mm/yr. Away from continental rise and fall, and with no pier sinking, and no ENSO, we get:
Steve, this question is off-topic (sort of) but I need to ask it anyway:
I am putting together an article concerning all the signs of cooling (which, so far as I can tell, looks to have begun in 2005). I know of a number of people who predicted this: Svensmark, Easterbrook and Lamb(?) first and foremost.
You recently mentioned another scientist, a woman, however, I have not been able to find my way back to that article. Could you spot me her name?
Bill Gray predicted cooling,
Added him to the list, thanks!
Otter, Here are a few papers on the subject that can give you many names in the ref area…
Suzanne Goldenberg has another frantic Guardian story of sea-level driven catastrophe hitting the US East coast within just 30 years.
My brief post outlining the above ‘adjustments’ lasted about as long as the frothy surf from a broken wave before being moderated into oblivion.
Truth is their enemy.
“The sea level is still rising,” Willis noted. “We’re just trying to understand the nitty-gritty details.”
He left out dirty
So if sea level rise is deemed bad (only for the rich with their beach front properties…) than sea level drop must be good!? Or is only a stagnant never changing sea level good? Kinda like a dead planet… In that case we should seek another planet to live on… Cause sea level has been rising and dropping ever since the first oceans appeared… Just look at the Channel Island, near LA, with clear million years old sea level marks, 100rds of ft high up… And we are screaming about 1-2mm/yr…