I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.
– Prince Philip
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Until that day he’ll just do the job by a different method –
I think it’s time Prince Phillip made a royal visit to Liberia. He should take along all his children and shake hands with as many locals as possible.
Excellent idea, I hope the Royal household or it’s advisors and minders are reading here.
There you go Prince Phillip. Here is your virus in Monrovia, Liberia.
He’s not quite dead yet…
(h/t to Monty Python)
Gad I’m glad we here in humanity-land have moved past that Divine Rights of Kings thing. I mean, we have moved past that….right? Right?!
And to whom is he directing his request? Or more precisely, who does he think he is directing his request to? The Mothership? I mean, I am attempting to avoid being blasphemous; but to whom or to what does one direct a request, in the form of a command, about ones options for “reincarnation”?
I suppose us commoners may never understand the ways of the Aristocracy and the Ancien Re’gime.
A Monarch – from the greek “mono” – meaning rule by one person.
So what is the President? Technically he’s a monarch.
And before the Norman conquest the Kings of England were elected – it only after the Chicago style Kennedy-gangster known as “William the bastard”, brought his henchmen and thugs to England that the establishment tried to hide the fact that the kings in England are elected.
The perverse thing, is that the King/Queen in England is still elected – it’s just its done in Latin and none of the choir of Westminster – who are the only commoners now allowed to participate in the election – know that they are electing the monarch!
No, technically the President of the US is not, and never has been a monarch. You heard of division of powers? The US presidency is, or at least should be, the polar opposite of a monarchy. OK, so Obama does see himself as a monarch, disregarding Congress and the Constitution when it suits, but that doesn’t make him technically a monarch.
Well, not yet!
No, It has just gone under ground and re-emerged.
‘Socialism is all about a return to Feudalism. Agenda 21 is the blue print for that return.
This is what happens when you have inbreeding.
That’s why the Queen is hanging on. She knows Phillip is an idiot. Perhaps she should send sonny boy to Liberia to look for land mines.
Charles and Phillip are idiots. The next royal, if they have one, should be Charles’ son.
Prince Harry gets my vote. He got some bad press for a little wild fling but then again who can blame a guy for that when he had just come off his second combat tour of duty in that lovely place called Afghanistan? What he was caught doing was mild compared to what many a young man has done under similar circumstances.
His visit to Arlington to walk and contemplate the costs of war, something our own President has not done and could not comprehend doing, told me all I needed to know. The guy is a class act that seems to have his priorities straight.
Perhaps we should send Obummer to Afghanistan.
I would recommend to the Queen or others in the UK a bit of ‘inheritance powder’
I thought Charles had said he wanted to be a tampon? Surely even that target was over reaching for the useless git.
For a laugh see Craig Ferguson doing Charles: http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=craig+ferguson+as+prince+charles&docid=608008876547246146&mid=487092054DE2FF190F7B487092054DE2FF190F7B&view=detail&FORM=VIRE3#view=detail&mid=487092054DE2FF190F7B487092054DE2FF190F7B
Generations of inbreeding. Seems like the male royals are all loons. W
California Come for the weather Stay for the bankruptcy
El Oct 4, 2014, a las 7:01 PM, Real Science escribió:
> >
This is proof the Royal Family trying to cash into free money on the global warming scam it’s sad case and there no better than Obama David Cameron UK prime minister the Hansen’s out there and NASA IPCC plus NOAA all pile to tax greedy money making b******ds should be lock up for frauding the public well I hope the current cooling cycle we are in freezes them to hell Steven I wish there’s more good people like you out there to open people’s eyes to the truth God bless
I agree with William.
And Gail about Agenda 21. She too is correct.