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- arn on “Siberia might stay livable”
No, They don’t. I watched a woman from the World Wlidlife Fund on PBS TV last night as she spread lies to bemoan the (non-existent) plight of walruses in Alaska due to “global warming.” They have their priorities all mixed up. I thought Judy Woodfruff was going to break into tears, and she didn’t have one, not one, question to ask the WWF woman to challenge her outlandish claims. It was pathetic and sad to watch.
Remember that the United States science czar is a eugenicist!–
Accordingly only the few should walk mother earth …. the rest of us, well…..
Is this too the reason the Progressives will not close the borders and shut down flights from Ebola countries, most of the infected are of color and will infect mostly others of color. Sounds like eugenics might have a play here.
Precisely. According to the Neo Nazi Left there are over 7,000,000,000 excess humans on this rock that we call Earth. According then to our dear leader any policy that will kill people quicker than they can replace their lost love ones must be adopted for the benefit of the Earth. Please don’t think of this murder as genocide, that word has too violent a history or negative conotation. Al Gore, The Sierra Club and Greenpeace prefer to think of this policy of theirs’ as “Lebensraum für Gaia.”
I decided not to post any footage of the Mad Austrian corporal and instead uses this footage of POTUS at his daily intelligence briefings.
Say Tony, is that you in the background between minute 6:50 & 7:10 making a cameo on your bike?
Because Stalin won WWII and formed the UN to expand totalitarian control from the USSR to the entire globe by misrepresenting the common conclusions of science, religion, philosophy and spirituality:
Our Creator is a spiritual force [1] that emanates from the Sun’s pulsar core [2] throughout the entire solar system, controlling a volume greater than that of ten billion billion Earth’s.
The Sun makes and discards H and He to interstellar space, like other stars.
The universe expands as compressed neutrons in galactic and stellar cores become interstellar hydrogen atoms.
In 1945 Max Planck said God is “A force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together … We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.” [1]
2. Subsequent measurements and observations showed, “The Sun is the Creator, Destroyer and Sustainer of every atom, life and world in the Solar System.” [2]
1. Max Planck, “The Essence of Matter,” from a speech Dr. Planck presented in Florence, Italy in 1944, entitled “Das Wesen der Materie” (The Essence/Nature/Character of Matter) Quelle: Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Abt. Va, Rep. 11 Planck, Nr. 1797:
2. “Solar energy,” Advances in Astronomy (submitted 1 Sept 2014) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10640850/Solar_Energy.pdf
Those that funded Stalin won ww2 and funded the UN.
And in his 1934 Speech, Congressman McFadden tells us WHO funded Trotsky so the Russian Revolution could occur.
It does not matter who is “Big Brother”.
There is an infinitely more powerful and “Bigger Brother” in the Sun’s core – the “Creator, Destroyer and Sustainer” of every atom, life and world in the Solar System !
“Big Brother” is phony and he going down – just like the “Wizard of Oz.”
A news blackout of CHAOS and FEAR of total nuclear annihilation in Aug-Sept 1945 prevented the public from knowing Stalin’s victories just before forming the United Nations in Oct 1945.
“Aston’s WARNING (12 Dec 1922); CHAOS and FEAR (August 1945)” https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10640850/CHAOS_and_FEAR_August_1945.pdf
They don’t understand how much waste of people and treasure the welfare state has resulted in either. Nor how it destroyed the black families. Nope. Listen to one of their Oracles http://newsbusters.org/blogs/laura-flint/2014/10/03/jon-stewart-lectures-gop-cant-accept-liberal-agenda-saves-lives
The liberal agenda is to ENSLAVE lives not save them.
They are not at fault, Gail. They are being manipulated by their emotions and appetites.
The usefull idiots are sucked in by the carrots of being intellectual without having to think and being altruistic without having to achieve anything.
The stick is the embarrassment of being found out and ending up on the wrong end of history.
“…Don’t they know how many millions die in the developing world from malaria because we won’t allow them access to DDT…” No, “It takes only a few minutes with Google to discover that DDT has never been banned for anti-malarial uses, and that it is in use in at least 11 countries.”
And yet it is still the biggest killer in the world just as it has been down through the ages.
Bob, it takes less than a few minutes without Google to discover that Prospect, “the leading magazine of ideas”, received a response from Roger Bate of Africa Fighting Malaria, but somehow lost it. Maybe it was too contrarian *):
They lost it but we found it:
Reply to Bates
lots more at
Bob, I say we add your heroic effort to the list of Soviet proxy wars.
DDT was certainly banned in the United Sates, but the EPA:
Of course, Malaria wasn’t such a bit issue in the USA, but most of the world supply of DDT came from the USA. So after achieving a domestic ban, the environmentalists pushed for an export ban. The United States Agency for International Development put pressure on foreign governments (threatening to cut off aid money) and the United Nations also tried to discourage developing nations from using DDT. Although these efforts never resulted in a worldwide ban, they did result in widespread disuse of DDT.
The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) started down the track of demonizing DDT in 1995 with reports like this one:
The United Nations implemented the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS) in May 2004 which further makes DDT harder to obtain. Although environmentalists attempted to get a complete ban, “emergency public health exceptions” are allowed, but as ever the necessary papwerwork in attempting to use such an exception makes an effective deterrent to DDT use.
The upshot has been much less DDT available for poor people in developing nations who need it most… means more deaths, and lower population.
Not to mention it is probably a lot more expensive too.
Of course they know. The question should be ‘don’t they care?’
And they don’t.
Their agenda involves ideology, not compassion or ration.
Dr Tim Ball explained it: Overpopulation: The Fallacy Behind The Fallacy Of Global Warming
It is the drive to make sure your off spring/descendants have the best chance to survive and not the other fellows. That is what all the Sustainability brainwashing is about.
To put it bluntly the Elite want just enough other people around to keep up a reasonable level of civilization and to be their servants/serfs. To them the entire continent of Africa could and should be depopulated. They want to turn the USA into a hunting preserve via The Biodiversity Treaty and the Wildlands Project. (Africa has too many diseases)
Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation which drums up money for the UN put it very bluntly:
” A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
Timothy Wirth is the Senator that colluded with Jim Hansen to turn off the effectiveness of the A/C on the hottest day of summer so Congress would be deluded into believing CAGW. He is now President of Ted Turner’s UN Foundation.
Turner is also behind Pleistocene Rewilding of the USA. Reintroducing camels, elephants tigers and I would not be surprised at geo-engineered mammoths. Leopards and wolves have already been quietly reintroduced as far east and north as North Carolina.
if they actually fixed everything we would no longer need them…. Hmmm, I think I see an issue there. Something to do with rent seeking.
In case anyone wonders about wolves in the east, they found one in NJ not far from a densely populated area (1997). Much less populated is northwestern NJ, which the Appalachia trail runs.
Meanwhile, climate change is now more dangerous than Ebola.
…but only if you lump in particulate and smog pollution.
Sent it on to a clergy friend of mine.
Protect the poor – from climate change POLICIES
Protect the Poor: Ten Reasons to Oppose Harmful Climate Change Policies
Common Core… dumbenate the masses.
But it started in the late 1800’s with John D.Rockefeller funding John Dewey’s experiments to figure out how to dumb down America’s schools and transform American individualists in to non-thinking socialist serfs.
Do not forget that Rockefeller had ‘Company Towns’ ( Ludlow Massacre April 20, 1914) Also check out ‘Paternalism’
Tony some how I got kicked into WordUnImpressed no man’s zone.
I managed to get both malaria and schistosomiasis in Africa. They’re both debilitating, but a full bore malaria attack is just awful. An over-the-counter drug available in Africa (but, at the time, not in the US) did in the schisto, but I took nearly two years of out-patient to get rid of the malaria. Even them, I was told not to give blood for fourteen years.
We need to go after the enviromentalist nut cases with the left’s favorite weapon: pinning them with the title of racist. For if it is not for reasons of racial culling and eugenics, why would a wealthy and self-satisfied white European (a term often employed for all non-Africans, btw) deny a child, or anyone for that matter, the chemicals needed to improve their lives or just to survive, and condemn them to a short life and a miserable death.
This is the REAL cult of the greens, the cult of death to the powerless, the poor, and the distant native.
The White Man’s Game —The Ogiek People, East Africa
“I managed to get both malaria”
Remember the type? P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale,P. malariae?
Plasmodium falciparum is the real killer of the various types but your difficulty getting rid of it makes me think you may have had the much rarer P. ovale which while milder than falciparum, is exceptionally difficult to get rid of. In fact it was uncurable until recent times. Some WW II vets carried ovale for the rest of their lives.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke
In the end, is it not the selfishness of greed?
Just sayin, boil it down….. and think about it
Yes, selfishness is the root of the problem. The battle of life is the battle against the selfishness exists in each of us.
It is actually worse than Pointman wrote as he forgot Clean Water on top of his extensive list of requirements for a decent life.
Because we were sleeping thirty years ago, (2014 – 30 yrs = 1984) “Nineteen Eighty-Four !”
The United Nations was formed on 24 Oct 1945.
George Orwell started writing his warning to the public in 1946: “Nineteen Eighty-Four”.
See: http://www.crisismagazine.com/2013/orwells-1984-are-we-there-yet
“The second most terrifying thing about George Orwell’s 1984 is the supposition that it is possible to destroy humanity without destroying humankind.”
This entire issue brings to mind one of E. M. Smith’s articles.
This is from the 1970s so the technology was available that long ago.
Unfortunately ‘Socialism’ and ‘Equality’ have taken their toll on Africa and the advances there, like the advance here are falling under the onslaught of the barbarians.
(A rather slanted history)