Don’t bring that nonsense here. It is every bit as stupid as the CO2 nonsense.
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But aren’t Chemtrails that blue/green mist you see in the sky when someone on-board flushes the toilet? /sarc
Also, chemtrails are different than contrails. Contrails dissipate after 5 – 10 seconds while chemtrails stay in the sky for hours. The chemtrails have aluminum that crews up the soil levels so you cant grow organic and the only way to fix this is to use gmo seeds because that is the only thing that will grow with aluminum levels that high. So please tell me why you discredit this information when it is all factual and proven?
Dude, you forgot the “/sarc” tag.
Contrails that don’t dissipate within seconds are simply in colder atmospheric conditions where they remain, like cirrus clouds.
Bet you also believe that rainbows appearing in your lawn sprinkler mist must mean that they’ve been tampering with the water to bend your mind?
I’ve seen contrails dissipate in cold climates and chemtrails stay in the air for hours in the summer. It’s funny how instead of trying to find if the facts are true or not, you insult me. You’re an awesome person.
Yes, there are many uninformed public school children on this site.
This video is a proof that there are people who want to take way our constitutional rights.
They made it.
As in false flag operation, that is.
LOL, took a sec there, bravo!
How asinine? Of all elements on the planet Earth only Silicone and Oxygen are more plentiful than elemental Aluminum. How did your poor great great grand parents ever feed themselves with all that Aluminum running around loose, especially before GM seeds made their first appearance only 20 years ago? Here’s your sign.
Agreed. That and the “organic”/GMO food hysteria.
A seed or agriculture research company can dump tons of radiation or DNA damaging chemicals onto a bushel of corn seed in an effort to induce un-natural gene mutations that might prove beneficial to man. All these artificially induced mutations are happily considered Organic, even the ones that glow in the dark.
However if a Montesano employee splices a fragment of the DNA of the thuringiensis bacillus into a corn seed so that the farmer doesn’t need to spray insecticides on his crop then all Hades breaks loose. Never mind that the “TOXIN” in bT corn is the same “TOXIN” (thuringiensis bacillus) that has been used for almost a century and is still sprayed wholesale 8, 9, 10, 11, of more times a year on crops destine to become Trader Joe vittles.
Well said!
There’s a big difference between Bacillus thuringiensis toxin (Bt) sprayed ON the food, and Bt grown IN the food.
Bt is a classic pore-forming protein; its job is to punch holes in cell membranes. It’s an extremely durable protein, resistant to acids and proteases–which makes it difficult to break down in the stomach.
No surprise, since the bacterium uses it to kill insects which it then feeds on; the insects ingest the Bt, it makes their guts leaky, and they die.
Pore-forming proteins are very general; they don’t discriminate between insect cells and mammal cells. The theory was that Bt is harmless to humans; it’s the same mantra they pushed on us in medical school, the magical thought that all proteins are broken down completely to component amino acids before being absorbed by the gut.
The truth is more complex; some hardy proteins can pass entirely through the digestive system.
The incidence of gut disorders–including “irritable bowel syndrome” which isn’t a disease so much as a symptom–has skyrocketed, even among children.
It’s well known that Bt corn adversely affects pigs and their offspring when used as animal feed.
When Bt is sprayed on the crop, at least you can wash it off; but Bt GMO’s produce very high levels of the active protein, and it can’t be washed off.
Well known because we have record pigs per litter and record hog weights. I can see all the harm.
You’re free to eat it. I won’t. The gut is an engineering marvel; in fact more than half your immune system resides in the gut, it has more neurons than your spinal cord, and it’s a giant ecological zoo of bacteria and fungi–most benign or beneficial.
It’s resilient to a lot; but intentionally ingesting pore-forming toxins at levels far higher than you’d get from a Bt spraying isn’t a risk I’ll take.
The facts are that you already eat this bacteria only in its complete form. Organic food guidelines allow organic food growers, especially orchardist who sell much of their produce from road side stands to spray their fruit or produce with Bacillus Thuringiensis only 4 hours before selling it. Yes there is a big difference between the Bacillus Thuringiensis found in genetically engineered food and the Bacillus Thuringiensis found in, on, around, and through organic food. That difference is that with the organic you eat the whole complete and often living B. Thuringiensis organism, while in the case GM food you only consume three (3) genes of Bacillus Thuringiensis. Organic food is one of those cases where ‘yous’ plop downs your money and ‘yous’ takes your chances because nothing organic has ever been studied or tested to see if its good for you. Unlike GM food that has been studied extensively. To enjoy the peace of mind and good health that scientific investigation brings, you therefor MUST eat GMO food because it is the only food that has ever been tested for wholesomeness BEFORE it was released to the general public. Have a good rest of the day & bon-appetit.
How asinine? Of all elements on the planet Earth only Silicone and Oxygen are more plentiful than elemental Aluminum. How did your poor great great grand parents ever feed themselves what with all that elemental Aluminum running around loose, especially before GM seeds made their first appearance only 20 years ago?
Here’s your sign. Wear it with pride.
@There is no substitute for victory:
Wrong poster, I said nothing about aluminum.
“It’s well known that Bt corn adversely affects pigs and their offspring when used as animal feed.”
Yes, I read a paper on research on two groups of pigs with one eating mostly GMO and one none. They made a big deal about how the group eating the GMO had more individuals with more severe stomach problems and didn’t say a word about the FACT that more of the GMO eaters had NO stomach issues. In general the non-GMO eaters had more and more serious health issues.
You statement is bullshit like most of the so called science knocking GMO.
“….The theory was that Bt is harmless to humans; it’s the same mantra they pushed on us in medical school, the magical thought that all proteins are broken down completely to component amino acids before being absorbed by the gut…..”
If you’re that sure that your education was a mistake, then by all means go back to wherever you attended medical school and ask for a full refund of your tuition.
The rule of thumb in medical education is that knowledge has a five-year half-life; that is, half of what we considered Holy Writ is overturned by new information every five years.
It was absolute dogma that neurons didn’t regenerate or proliferate; your brain had its full complement of neurons at birth, and you’d never grow more–now we know better. The cholesterol/atherosclerosis hypothesis is falling–and it was the cornerstone of cardiac disease theory.
So too, researchers are discovering that the interplay between digestion and diet is much more complex than we’d thought.
Look–at the heart of the issue the eating Bt GM foods is the location and concentration of the toxin. Bt crops express these proteins at levels much higher than external application. It can’t be washed off. And it’s a durable, toxic protein that survives into the intestines.
The “studies”? Where are the long-term double-blind studies? At best the studies have been industry-funded whitewashes lasting a few months.
But chronic damage from low-level toxicity takes years to manifest to frank illness. Why are we seeing an explosion of non-specific ailments like inflammatory bowel disease?
It is pretty crackpot. Unfortunately it is as easy to obfuscate HAARP etc pseudo science for a “cause and effect” relationship of any phenomena as it is to relate any weather event to CO2 in the atmosphere
Geo Engineering does exist though and that is HAARP….how can you ignore this and discredit it as nothing when it is in fact something that can be used to manipulate the weather?
So HAARP causes earthquakes? Was it used to build the Hoover Dam or create the last 2 tsunamis? Besides, geo-engineering isn’t weather manipulation.
Please don’t go back to school, you’ll wreck everyone’s grade point average. Just stay in mummy’s basement “researching” porn between conspiracy hits.
On the other hand, think what he’d do for a curve!
I was a CO2 sinner last night after I ate Hot Dogs, Sauerkraut and Beans. Could have started a fire.
Sounds to me like you may have also been a Methane sinner … lol
Wouldn’t CO2 put out a fire?
Oh, but that’s where the methane kicked in … ROFL
As Professor Curry mentioned in a recent blog, society is suffering from post-traumatic stress after watching five years of official responses to the Climategate emails that surfaced in late November 2009.
They shut down Haarp, no? I like the dig in the last sentence of the post though. 🙂
Sadly, I have a number of acquaintances that swallow that crap. Unsurprisingly, they also believe CAGW garbage, too.
A recurring theme is that if a group is being “wronged” by government, people won’t believe *anything* the government says, proclaiming they’re trying to “cover it up”, yet when the government tells them that we need to “save the planet” because humans are being “evil”, they swallow it in a microsecond, and take exception with anyone that even hints that the government are being corrupt about it. They take equal exception when you point out their irrational line of thinking.
Too bad they don’t view AGW as a Government approved method of promulgating serfdom.
Personally I find Harp music quite soothing but each to his own …
I actually had to look up what HAARP was. I got the Wikipedia entry for the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. What about this do you object to?
Nothing, except it was considered by some conspiracy lovers to have influenced the weather. Same ilk that gets worried about aliens controlling their thoughts through the fillings in their mouths etc
..or secret service agents being “lizard” people?
For years I thought HAARP, chem trails and lizard people was nonsense for silly conspiracy theorists and crazies. Believers in such clap-trap drove me up the wall.
Then Harry Reid and Pelosi were elected. Now I am not so sure about the lizard people. Just maybe……..
Lizard people definitely. The TV series “V” was a documentary …
In other words the tin foil helmet crowd.
Oh, I thought HAARP did all that too!
Just a passing thought on this subject since it’s brought up.
Now that Obama is president HAARP is some experimental atmospheric altering device made and controlled by the CIA to create conditions leading to hostilities so US companies can profit from the war and cleaning up the mess (at least that’s what my Liberal friends tell me). Oddly enough, back when Bush was president, HAARP was known was “Bush’s Weather Machine” to drive Democrats out of Louisiana.
They should have used it to dissipate Katrina offshore.
And yet your libby friends still believe in the CO2 boogie man? … typical proggies …
Tesla was kookie but a genius. His Power Tower Was Spooky.
If its too good to be true then it likely isn’t, true that is.
And this is why his technology inventions are used all over the world today. Because he was kooky?
Just remember, if you say “GULLIBLE” slowly enough, it will sound like “Oranges”
Hey . . . .HE’S RIGHT!!!! That’s so weird….
It began when Bernard let loose his patents and the ideas showed up 1st in an early 90’s Popular Mechanics addition and it has bloomed from then…
I was not afraid of chemtrails until the drones and the Google robots came along. Before this, the chemtrails were really high up there and couldn’t get me. Now the drones and the robots can bring them down into my home, to ground level, I think. And underneath, the fracking? Doomed we are.
I dont know if you are joking but with the NDAA the government can theoretically come after you with a drone and abduct you.
They can do that. One night last spring, the government sent a drone to my neighbors’ house, turned the husband into a dog, and as if that wasn’t bad enough, they abducted the couple’s dog.
Heh. Our local policy enforcer hub sent over some officers the other week. I told them I was too f@cking busy, and vise versa.
You can joke all you want but the DEA or any government agency can come to your house and the first thing they always do is actually shoot your dog. Look it up. Ignorance is bliss. I would expect this website to be a little more open minded considering they know climate change is a hoax.
I am not joking and they didn’t shoot any of the two dogs. The case is well known around here. Look it up.
“You can joke all you want”
Climate change may be a hoax. But that doesn’t mean everything else is real.
Look it up if you dont believe. Look up the NDAA and the clause in it where they can abduct any citizen.
The dog was not a citizen.
Whatever man. Keep living in a state of ignorance when this information is out in the open and isnt even remotely a secret.
The holy shrine of the extreme everything conspiracists has to be located at
Amazing the crap some people can believe and promote.
The proprietors complain that they can’t get #Scientists# and #Engineers# to promote their views
The Polar Bears have overrun HAARP and used it to create the Polar Vortex expanding their range…
Oh my! Have the polar bears found their way down into the Hollow Earth?
Of course not. The dinosaurs kill them.
Thank you, Thank you!
Yes Steven,
Keep the bar high. Perhaps a lot of people out there simply possess a more fertile imagination, than a sharp mind. And imagination is just fine, conjecture fine, but show me the facts, the results.
Over the years, I have found I do not generally remember precisely what people say about things, but I remember the claims, and track them.
What I’ve found? Most of what goes under the title public science is pure speculation. All pseudoscience is pure speculation.
Sure, there’s a lot we don’t know. But we aren’t going to progress on the unknowns by projecting far-fetched fantasies, and just making stuff up. That’s just a colossal waste of time.
I am not an engineer, but I do prefer the engineer’s view of science.
“If you cannot use it to build something that works in the real world, it is speculation.”
Do you mean a fertile mind or an organically fertilized mind?
I’m not so sure. Remember the small hand-held communicators in Star Trek? Even so recent as the 80’s you’d be locked up for talking into a little plastic box while walking down the street.
But I know what you mean.Gregole, some fantasies are too far fetched.
Not to be contrary, but even in 1967 we had walkie-talkies. But that’s the diff. between good sci-fi and fantasy, and lots of sci-fi has elements of both. ST communicators and phasers were projections of real, existing, working technology. Anti-matter power generation and torpedoes were reasonable projections of science. The warp drive itself, transporter beams, and subspace radio were more clearly in the fantasy end of the spectrum and dramatic devices to move a story along.
Sorry, didn’t mean to rant on!
How can you condemn this when you admit to co2 warming the the planet ??
The difference is by orders of magnitude. CO2 does sweet F.A. while H2O vapour is the main culprit by far as a greenhouse gas.
I found the site linked below many, many years ago. If one wants to have hours and hours (weeks and weeks?) of fun link-hopping through the minds(?) of seriously deranged, psychopathic Leftards, the place is the perfect hopping-off point. Be forewarned, though— Once you’ve crossed over to the Idiotarian Parallel Universe and gazed upon the Singularity of Stoopid, it’s very difficult to look away. 🙂
Here’s another interesting aggregator site:
Careful though, though there are links to some sheer insanity, I think a lot of it might link back to sites like this! And probably more than a few religious sites. Just saying, don;t blame me for what they call “crank”ism!
I alway wondered how a few megawatts of radio wave could affect the weather in the backdrop of the sun dropping trillion upon trillion watts of radio waves plus about everything else, from xrays, light both what we can see and cannot even neutrinos which we are hard press to detect, yet somehow our puny efforts were suppose to make a difference.
Thank you. Magnitude matters. As does x squared distance!
We need to stay focused. Imagination is a runaway thing – not bad – but face it; scientific fact is a cruel task-master.
Geo Engineering does exist though and that is HAARP….how can you ignore this and discredit it as nothing when it is in fact something that can be used to manipulate the weather?
Also, chemtrails are different than contrails. Contrails dissipate after 5 – 10 seconds while chemtrails stay in the sky for hours. The chemtrails have aluminum that crews up the soil levels so you cant grow organic and the only way to fix this is to use gmo seeds because that is the only thing that will grow with aluminum levels that high. So please tell me why you discredit this information when it is all factual and proven?
You are correct. The chemtrails are nothing compared to what I saw on the back of a stop sign in my neighborhood. It looked like scratches, but upon inspection, I believe it was cuneiform, instructing the UN forces with directions to the FEMA camps.
(I am sarc, but I am afraid you are not)
You’re repeating yourself with cut and paste trolling mredczechoslovaski. Tell me, do you enjoy setting fire to kittens?
Actually this was my first comment Oflaf. You guys can joke all you want but the Fema camps have been here since 1980 and they have had the power to abduct you since 2012 with the NDAA. I would of thought this website would of been more open minded since they know global warming is a hoax and are the minority in that.
They farm each other as a useful idiot.
BTW, in case you are not sarc, aluminum is the third most abundant element in the earth’s crust, after oxygen and silicon.
Ya but when levels get to high in the soil you cant grow anything there.
“Contrails dissipate after 5 – 10 seconds”
I don’t know if you are being sarcastic but that statement is simply not true.
I’ve been an airline pilot for over 30 years and the time contrails remain visible depends on a number of environmental factors….. or maybe I’m in on it along with the 3000 or so pilots in my company!
Yea! See? It is evil minions like you that are polut,,,,,,CRAP. Almost typed the whole sentence without bustling out laughing. Damn you, I owe you a coke.
In my early career (before mathematics took me on a side trip), I started out as an RF Engineer. It is unbelievable how many people have asked me if HAARP is altering the climate. The answer is absolutely not! The amount of power required to generate a focused signal to alter the ionization of even the smallest portion of the E and F regions of the ionosphere susceptible to RF ionization is, well, incredible. There’s no way HAARP could generate enough RF energy to alter the climate short of turning off the lights of every home in the country for a rather extended period. Then there’s the issue that any alteration of these upper regions wouldn’t affect weather anyway. Weather happens below.
Now, if I could receive a dollar for each inquiry…
Use Bitcoin.. Umm.. wait..
Thanks Hank! Magnitude matters!
Now everyone, here’s a visualization exercise, visualize the entire earth atmosphere; now picture a few tiny antennas.
Simple really.
These many conspiracy theories are the result of a many decades long campaign to erase God, religion and spirituality with The State. Man used to look to God for answers to the unknowable; particularly the bad things that happened to him/her. Since dogma was that God was benevolent Man’s concerns were sated. Hence, “religion is the opium of the people.”
With the present erasure of God and the affirmative campaign to look to Big Brother for answers we no longer have our opium, maybe one day we will have our soma (IMHO that is why we are legalizing MJ), but for now there ise a void.
Since rational man fears The State and loves liberty he is caught in the middle without an answer. He either learns to live with the bad things that happen to him and understands that “sh*t happens” or he looks to The State for answers. If he is not a believer in or a ward of The State he gets no answers. If he is an rational man who is not satisfied that “sh*t happens” he rations that The State is to blame for the bad things that happen to him and hence the birth of conspiracy theories.
Unfortunately, under Statute law, you are a ward of the State regardless. You only have the Rights given to you by the State. The only way you can be free of this is to know who you are, that you are a flesh and blood Man on the land, that does not come under Statute jurisdiction.
The USSA (Amerika under Obummer) is still a Common law country, however Statute law and the powers that be have been trying to convince you otherwise for generations. Common law always trumps Statute law, unless you consent otherwise.
I’m sure you’re au fait with the term “strawman” and the power of “I do not consent!”?
Thank you
Yes.. Thanks Steve. Just because conspiracy nuts spout claims, doesn’t mean it’s proven.
I would just like to announce that I am not a tin foil hat denier.
Years ago at a job site I saw a worker who had actually lined his aluminum hard hat with aluminum foil, to protect his brain from radio station signals. Seriously.
Don, as you said about your co-worker, AFDB’s have been around for years. I’ve had the link bookmarked for well over a decade to send to folks like Mr. Aluminumsoilskiy, so they don’t hear all of those voices. 😉
Did it work? 😉
They come in very handy if you’re in a bind and need to bake a potato on short notice. 😛
Only when the aliens arrived on a cloud of chemtrails and turned the local radio station off.
I’m astonished at the vitriol of the comments on this article.
Ordinarily I love reading this site and the comments; it’s a cornucopia of anti-AGW facts and clear thinking.
Given such an iconoclast crowd, it stuns me that most posters seem completely UN-skeptical about GM foods.
Is it really so difficult to imagine that something one ingests might have negative effects?
We’ve bred plants for tens of thousands of years to arrive at varieties that don’t poison us. It’s a delicate balance; many edible plants produce small amounts of toxins we’ve adapted to, and in some cases actually use. Garlic and onions, for example, cause hemolytic anemia in cats and dogs. We use the same sulfur compounds to recharge a vital antioxidant system in our bodies.
Is it difficult to imagine that clumsily-done (and most GM is still quite clumsy, it’s not precision editing) gene engineering might cause plants to over-express harmful genes, produce mis-folded proteins, or express latent toxins we’ve bred out of them previously? Or that the product of the engineering–Bt in this case–might itself be DIRECTLY toxic?
I’m genuinely saddened to see a kind of thuggish group-think and a rejection of thoughtful discourse.
Did it ever occur to you that you are an idiot??
“Is it difficult to imagine that clumsily-done (and most GM is still quite clumsy, it’s not precision editing) gene engineering might cause plants to over-express harmful genes, produce mis-folded proteins, or express latent toxins we’ve bred out of them previously? ”
The engineers know exactly what genes they spliced and monitor the results before releasing into a field test and during the field testing that goes on for a few years at least. Do you think for a second that the GMO haters wouldn’t point to exactly these types of problems if they were actually happening?!?!?
Of course bad things happen as a result of mutations induced through GM. However it is equally true that bad things happen through genetic mutations even where there is zero human intervention. You seem to imply that GM researchers would deliberately bring their failures to market without testing. Why would they do that? There’s little economic benefit of sending bad product to market. You tend to lose money from poor sales at best, are likely going to get sued into bankruptcy and shut down. Not much incentive to do that.
If you say that it’s because they might not recognize the consequences of the mutations, I would argue that this would also be true of Mendel-theory-based genetic-selection crops brought to market. I might even go so far as to suggest that GM researchers are more likely to study the results of their work closely than some guy who just cross bred castor beans in his garden till he got some big ones.
I’d say traditionally bred crops change much more slowly, giving us time to react to adverse traits.
GM on the other hand has only been on the market for twenty years. We don’t know their full effects yet, but we’re sowing them worldwide–and contaminating the genome of non-GM crops with their pollen.
We’re only starting to understand the immensely complex interplay between our gut, our immune system, and the giant host of bacteria that colonize us. Bacteria in and on your body outnumber your cells by ten to one; it’s a delicate balance.
Interestingly, RoundUp-Ready, another GM crop, encourages massive overspraying with RoundUp aka glyphosate. Glyphosate inhibits the shikimate pathway in plants and bacteria…including your gut bacteria. How this affects us isn’t well studied.
But it’s an experiment that’s backfiring, as we now have RoundUp-resistant weeds, damaged soil ecologies, and Monsanto’s begun selling 2,4-D–aka Agent Orange–to augment their herbicides.
My objections are not to the technology itself; that’s a tool. It’s to the recklessness of deployment, and the seeming blindness to knock-on effects.
Methylamine you moron, can YOU afford to massively overspray stuff you have to buy and still make a profit?!?!?
First: Keep a civil tone.
Second: The resistant weeds are forcing farmers to spray more RoundUp–overspraying
Methylamine, I rarely keep a civil tone when conversing with morons.
Overspraying is spraying outside of the intended area or spraying more than is necessary to do the job. You have just described that they are spraying enough to kill weeds that have changed to require MORE weedkiller.
There is a difference. Now, tell me how much and how bad the effect is from other types of weed killer that was used before Round Up and Round up resistant plants?? When you figure out we are still using less costly means both environmentally and monetarily let us know.
“I’d say traditionally bred crops change much more slowly, giving us time to react to adverse traits.”
While methylamine and others piddle down their legs thinking about GMO, did they ever wonder about where their food plants came from??
“Classical Breeding with Induced Mutation
Mutations (Figure 2) are changes in the genetic makeup of a plant. Mutations occur naturally and sometimes result in the development of new beneficial traits. In 1940, plant breeders learned that they could make mutations happen faster with a process called mutagenesis. Radiation or chemicals are used to change the plant’s DNA, the basic molecular system of all organisms’ genetic material. The goal is to cause changes in the sequence of the base pairs of DNA, which provide biochemical instructions for the development of plants. Resultant plants may possess new and desirable characteristics through this modification of their genetic material. During this process, plant breeders must grow and evaluate each plant from each seed produced.
More than 2,500 plant varieties (including rice, wheat, grapefruit, lettuce and many fruits) have been developed using radiation mutagenesis (FAO/IAEA, 2008). Induced mutation breeding was widely used in the United States during the 1970’s, but today few varieties are produced using this technique. As our understanding of genetics developed, so new technologies for plant variety development arose. Examples of these that are used today include genetic marker assisted breeding, where molecular markers associated with specific traits could be used to direct breeding programs, and genetic engineering. Some of the significant steps leading to the current state of the art are explained below.”
So, since the 1940’s we have been eating produce resulting from RANDOM FORCED SHORT TERM mutation with virtually NO knowledge of the details other than they created a faster growing or more productive plant. Yet y’all think GMO is crude!!
I’m well aware of the radiation- and chemical-mutagenesis techniques.
Have you ever worked in an actual lab, doing actual gene splicing?
Describe the techniques. Tell me about promoters. Explain how foreign genes are inserted into the host genome.
Now let’s discuss epigenetics, particularly how histone binding affects gene transcription…and how splicing techniques affect that.
My undergrad was biochemistry with heavy emphasis on biophysics and genetics.
So go research, understand what you’re really talking about.
That’s nice. Now tell us the details of the random changes from all those early methods and how they were so much safer than what we KNOW happened with the GMO products on the market. Using scarey phrases doesn’t mean anything because, obviously, I am too ignorant to understand the big words.
Chemtrails! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,,,,,,,,,oh my, Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Bro? You gots to warn a brother when you gonna have jokes up in here!