It has been four months since the geniuses at Scientific American wrote this :
June 11, 2014
The Midwest drought of 2012, which pushed corn prices to a record $8 per bushel, are “a taste of what is predicted to become the new normal in many parts of the Corn Belt thanks to climate change,”
Climate Change Hits America in Its Sweet Tooth – Scientific American
Only 60 inches of rain this summer
That’s like the famous comment from our own Tim Flannery, professor, here in Australia, ” … it will never rain again, and if it does, the water will run straight off the surface … ” (words to that effect) and then we had flooding rainfall and all of the dams were filled above capacity.
And based on Tim Flannery’s comments, the major cities in Australia all invested heavily in desalinization plants that are now moth-balled. A waste of billions of dollars.
2012 was the only significant (over 20%) US corn crop reduction due to drought going back to 1988, so that is only one such reduction over the last 26 years.
During the 1930’s there were 4 such reductions. There were two during the 1980’s. There has been absolutely no trend toward more frequent crop failures.
The geniuses top-ticked the market, as well:
$8 per bushel record prices. How about adjusting for inflation, and record use of corn for ethanol fuel. Disgusting. Anytime somebody forgets to adjust for inflation we know he’s a scumbag liar.
“Scientific Communist” at it again
I canned my subscription a year after Climategate. No honesty in reporting on the largest scientific fraud in the history of, well, science; and one of the biggest frauds in history.
I used to just read stuff that interested me in their magazine, but then I had to ask myself, “If they’re lying about climate (so-called science, what else are they lying about?”
Not much has changed.