Arctic Viagra Dooms Alarmists

Basically, alarmists are screwed.

ScreenHunter_4581 Nov. 14 19.47

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Arctic Viagra Dooms Alarmists

  1. gregole says:

    Oh that naughty Arctic ice! What is it up to now?

    Warmunists avert your gaze! Oh, and you too Mark S.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Looks like the Arctic is giving the middle finger to the alarmists!

  3. But can it stay up for the duration?

  4. del boy says:

    My be two Viagra could make it stay up longer.

    • gregole says:

      From the link:
      …that too many of those who have expressed an interest in sailing in the World Odyssey Race would do so on yachts which may not be suitable for the rigours of a circumnavigation in high latitudes.

      Yes, those “rigours of a circumnavigation in high latitudes” which I’m sure are consistent with a warming-world. /sarc

      At last in this case, discretion is the greater part of valor.

      • Billy Liar says:

        I suspect discretion is the better part of lack of ability to acquire insurance, oh, and ‘climate change’, of course.

  5. daveburton says:

    Whoa, did you notice the red note at the bottom, and the link there?

    DMI is now showing the 2014 low extent as a little over 6 million sq-km, and the 2012 low extent as ~4 million sq-km. But look at the old version:
    In that version, 2014 low extent was barely over 4 million sq-km, and 2012 low extent was only ~2.5 million sq-km.

    DMI found ~2 million sq-km of ice!

    NSIDC called it 3.14 million sq-mi in 2012, and it looks like about 5 million this year.

    The comment at the bottom of the DMI page is:

    “The plot above replaces an earlier sea ice extent plot, that was based on data with the coastal zones masked out. This coastal mask implied that the previous sea ice extent estimates were underestimated. The new plot displays absolute sea ice extent estimates. The old plot can still be viewed here for a while.”

  6. There is no substitute for victory says:

    This thread reminds me of the little boy in Sunday School class who when he was asked what the Resurrection was responded by saying, “Teacher when you have a resurrection and it lasts for more than 4 hours you’re supposed to see your doctor.”

    I guess that means that the Artic better go to the ER or else be prepared to lose it!

  7. Svend Ferdinandsen says:

    It is some how strange that the ice extent make that bump both in the spring and autumn. It happens almost any year.
    By the way, i could tell you that it would most likely be very cold in the Arctic, because it has been very mild i Denmark. I belive that is why the Germans tried to set up a weather station in Greenland during WWII. Then they knew that the weather in the North Atlantic and Scandinavian was very connected to the weather around Greenland.

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