The Arctic warmed six degrees from 1900 to 1940, and the ice was the same thickness as today.
23 Feb 1940 – THE NORTH POLE. Is it Getting Warmer. | BUNDABER…
Papers Past — Auckland Star — 14 December 1940 — WARMER ARCTIC
Claims that Arctic warming are “unprecedented” are made by the same fraudsters who rewrite the past.
From: Tom Wigley <[email protected]>
To: Phil Jones <[email protected]>
Subject: 1940s
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 23:25:38 -0600
Cc: Ben Santer <[email protected]>It would be good to remove at least part of the 1940s blip, but we are still left with “why the blip”.
Well it was just a blip, not even weather. 😉
Tis only a flesh wound!
A mere hiccup in history! To be ignored! 🙂
Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
Once you start down the path of manipulating data there is no end to the process as you get deeper and deeper into the deceit, covering lie with lie until even the laiar doesn’t know what it true and what is fake.
But, all the warming before 1970 was caused by the sun, and all the warming after 1970 was caused by CO2.
See how the sun went away in 1970?
That is alright Morgan. Leif Svalgaard is ‘Adjusting’ the solar data to make that ‘Blip’ go away…. There is a major fight going on among skeptics over the issue.
Leif and Willis even got into it with Dr David Evans over at Jo Nova’s site.
I found such set of temperatures in Iceland.
Isn’t this a matter for the FBI? Misfeasance in public office, or something?
Asking the government to investigate/prosecute government sponsored fraud probably won’t happen.
… especially if they recieved no complaints.
… that’s how Gleik got away with wire – fraud – Heartland didn’t report it.
Sorry Sleepalot, Heartland did go after Gleick
Heartland to release Gleick prosecution file – Watts Up With That?
I found out the hard way that it doesn’t matter how good your evidence is. It does not matter if the police catch the criminal with your Freightliner in the guy’s front yard. If the guy has political pull the case will never ever see daylight. It will continually be put on the bottom of the heap and you will spend the entire day in court every month or so while the criminal is told to go home as soon as he shows. Finally after seven years of getting jerked around the case will become so stale the prosecutor will tell you they can not be bothered to schedule it again.
HMMMmm My first link croggled.
“He is also a criminal, albeit one that avoided prosecution due to good political associations.”
@ Gail. I sit corrrected. 🙂
I think my point is still valid.
Otoh, Nixon lost his presidency over Watergate.
Let me make my statement clearer: Regardless of the complaints of government sponsored climate science fraud, an investigation/prosecution of said fraud by the same government probably won’t happen. I base my opinion on recent history. All the Obama government scandals have resulted in much lip flapping, and no action. Not one of the liars/criminals in the various branches of government have been punished in any way. Climate Astrologers have a government approved green light to make reality coincide with the agenda.
Nixon was a Republican. Huge difference.
If these people are living off or gaining from public funds then they should I think be indicted.
True, but we now live in a country ruled by man and not by law. Our Constitution was seeking to establish “a government of laws and not of men.”
But we know what has happened to that
Back in mid 2010 I took some prints of the GISS ground temp charts that hardly supported the GW claim and some local swuk ones too out of interest and, lo & behold, tampered with too are their 2014 replacements I now see to the point of total omission of older records beyond meaningful adjustment.