Santa Claus is just back from the North Pole, and reports that Nobel Laureate Albert Arnold Gore was incorrect about his ice-free Arctic in December 2014 prediction. In fact, Arctic sea ice extent is at a 10 year high for the date.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Al Gore the Exposed Racketeer
You know Briffa and Trenberth and Wigley and Hansen,
Monbiot and Lovelock and Phil Jones and Revkin.
But do you recall
The most egregious swindler of all?
Al Gore the Exposed Racketeer
Had a very greedy scheme,
And if he could have used it,
You would truly want to scream.
All of the other scammers
Used his ploy for their own gains;
Would not admit their misdeeds
As they put us all in chains.
Then one icy Copenhagen day,
Skeptics came to say:
“Climategate really sank this ship,
There’ll be no agreement signed this trip!”
Then how the skeptics delighted,
As they blogged about with glee,
“Al Gore the Exposed Racketeer,
You can kiss our big hiney.”
Just in case you forgot the melody… 😉
I’m making Hubby read that one.
I wonder if we can get M4GW to do it as a video?
Love it!
Merry Christmas Tony We didn’t see Dr. Fruitfly try scare the kids this year WTF the worm is turning here’s to a better next year ;>)
A tonne of coal in Albert Gore’s stocking.
NAH, just a tonne of the magic gas CO2 nicely flavored with mercaptans. Why waste good coal? He would probably just sell it to China.
My granddaughter confirms your conversation. She never was a heavy sleeper and caught the whiskered man delivering her presents! 😉
Not many kids are heavy sleepers on that special night/morning. I know I sure wasn’t.
But until the level exceeds and stays above the mean for a time the alarmists will be able to continue to sell their story I think. People just don’t understand the cherry picking of the starting year for the measurements.