Defending The Environment For Over 40 Years

In 1972, I testified at my first Congressional hearing, in support of  a wilderness area in southern Utah

ScreenHunter_121 May. 03 14.52

WILDERNESS AREA DEBATED IN UTAH – Ecologists and Residents at Odds on its Development – View Article –

I was also working to get the Clean Air Act passed around that time.

In the late 1970’s I worked on geothermal energy development at Los Alamos National Labs

In 1980 I worked for President Carter to develop oil shale in western Colorado, which he saw as a key national security issue.

After that I worked on the Safety Analysis Report for the Department of Energy’s nuclear waste disposal site in southeastern New Mexico.

The next two summers I worked as a wilderness ranger in northern New Mexico.

In 1995, I worked for Vice-President Al Gore with the NSA on an Internet security project.

In recent years, I have been developing several different national security technologies used by the DOD, NSA and other spy agencies.

But my primary interest now is protecting the environment and national security from the criminals who have invaded various government agencies, under the guise of “climate scientists.”

More soon.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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38 Responses to Defending The Environment For Over 40 Years

  1. That CV sounds an awful lot like my own!

  2. Robertv says:

    I see Darth Vader is not on the list.

  3. Scarface says:

    You WILL prevail.

  4. emsnews says:

    I bet at some point you met my father, Dr. Aden Meinel, since you were doing all that. Perhaps, me too.

    Elaine Meinel–proposing a more active space program and the concept of L-5 orbit systems.

  5. omanuel says:

    The speech by a retiring senator from Oklahoma confirms my worse fear:

    Politicians themselves live in the same “Matrix of Deceit” that scientists in the geophysics sections of NAS and RS designed for the public in 1945 to save the world from nuclear annihilation.

    I will post a link to his speech below:

  6. chuck725 says:

    Quite the resume! Keep up the good work Sir!

  7. gymnosperm says:

    Awesome! Did you hike the Escalante Canyon? It is stunning. We did it in July, 1972.

  8. Scarface says:

    Steven, I was thinking about a recent post of yours:

    You write: “You are cold – you put a jacket on – you get warmer. Everyone knows this.”

    But I’m absolutely sure that someone’s body temperature is 37C before and after. It’s only easier for the body to stay 37C. You may feel warmer, but you are not warmer. (Only skindeep maybe.)

    • Your skin is warmer. That is why you feel warmer.

      • rah says:

        The bodies immediate reaction to cold on the skin is vasoconstriction. However, as the skin remains cold the vascular system reacts to pump more blood to the coldest areas and particularly those where the blood vessels are closest to the skin surface such as your nose and ears. That’s why your skin on your cheeks, nose, and ears can become flush when cold.

        However as the body gets colder it’s natural physiological reaction is the preserve heat internally even at the expense of damage to peripheral nonvital areas. Thus fingers. toes, ears, and nose, are the first to be sacrificed.

        As the body continues to cool the process goes on sacrificing circulation to extremities to preserve the vital core temperature needed to sustain life.

        To a certain point when the body is insulated it will eventually warm it’s self as long as the victim is adequately hydrated and has enough calories to fuel the furnace. Circulation will gradually be restored to the extremities warming them as long as they have not suffered vascular damage. However if the hypodermic process has gone too far it will take an external heat source such as the warmth of another body.

        So physiologically, the fact is that the body can warm it’s self as long as it has not gotten too cold. Yes I have written in generalities here. I could get into specific temps for the typical limits and reactions for an otherwise healthy adult but I doubt anyone here want to read the lesson plan I wrote one cold injuries for the SF medical course.

  9. This is your most important work ever. Thanks for defending science.

  10. omanuel says:

    I too was an idealistic young scientist once.

    Now, I believe leaders of national academies of science – like the US NAS, the UK RS, etc. – deceived the public as well as their political leaders when they agreed to hide the source of energy that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

    Why do I believe that? The fate of every person on Earth – ordinary citizens as well as politicians – has been unnecessarily put in danger by lock-step consensus misrepresentations of the object that made our elements, birthed the solar system and still controls every atom, life and world in the solar system today, the pulsar-centered star 1 Au away from Earth.

    • omanuel says:

      Specifically, the Geophysics Section of the NAS agreed to social geo-engineering on planet Earth and its inhabitants in 1945 to save the world and themselves from possible nuclear annihilation.

      Homeland Security officials and FEMA finally released a fact sheet on the danger of our misunderstanding of the Sun this month, “Federal Interagency Response Plan — Space Weather,” under the Freedom of Information Act, but will not release the actual plan !

      Leaders of the NAS and RS still refuse to address or discuss nine pages of precise data that show the fate of humanity depends on our understanding of the pulsar-centered star at the center of the solar system, 1 AU from Earth:

  11. rah says:

    I had no idea where to put this so I just thought I would provide this link that has nothing to do with the subject matter of this post.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Maybe we should all start going to national parks and start hitting those rangers with the hard questions about adjustments that with an R=0.99 when plated against CO2 increase and why my nice new rural station with brand new equipment gets adjusted up 2 to 4 degrees the next day and why that station reports above freezing temperatures when my stock tanks have two inches of new ice and my pastures have 4 to 6 inches of snow on the ground….

    • KTM says:

      This is absolutely true, they have a series of panels on Global Warming at the base of the hiking trail up to Timpanogos cave near American Fork, Utah. Last time I went there were two park rangers posted right there to check people for entry tickets to the trail and to make sure people are carrying enough water and proper clothing, etc. It seemed like the two park rangers were switching off between trail checks and global warming indoctrination.

      They talk about all the “impacts” that a warming climate would have, the usual doom and gloom. Then instead of showing temperatures increasing, they have a graph of CO2 levels. Typical switcheroo.

  12. DonInKs says:

    It’s too bad you weren’t around when the criminals from Army C of E filled up Glen Canyon with muddy water . . . I still weep over that one.

  13. gregole says:


    You are a man of tremendous integrity and your passion for the truth really shows. Keep it up! Love it!

  14. El Duderino says:

    Lies! You’re just a denier who hates science. No amount of your so-called ‘evidence’ could ever convince me otherwise. (Insert vile abuse here)!

  15. Chewer says:

    I do remember the days of the Cuyahoga river lit up in fire, Lake Erie looking like a cesspool, the heavy smog consuming many large cities and the days of the Super Fund, which concluded in good results based in science and turning around the overall health of our ecosystems.
    Those days are long gone and we’re now left with psychotic and neurotic feel-good imbeciles and those who’re just following the money.

    • Gail Combs says:

      I remember the days when the Genesee River in Rochester NY ran all different colors (Kodak dyes) and the plants were weird shapes and colors on the banks. It stank to high heaven too.

  16. B says:

    The powers that be construct, creature, and nurture two basic fears. The first fear is a fear of the climate. The second fear is a fear of the other. It is through these fears that governments have (at least in part) ruled people for thousands of years. One or the other works on the vast majority of people.

  17. kuhnkat says:

    “In 1995, I worked for Vice-President Al Gore with the NSA on an Internet security project.

    In recent years, I have been developing several different national security technologies used by the DOD, NSA and other spy agencies.”

    Please don’t tell us you were involved with the Clipper Chip!!

  18. This morning I’m amusing myself with the recurring thought of a hapless wilderness ranger trying to lecture Tony Heller about climate change:

    Next Time You Visit a National Park, You Might Get a Lecture on Climate Change

    Park rangers are increasingly talking to visitors about global warming.

    By Clare Foran
    December 12, 2014

    Ettling has spent his summers working as a park ranger at Crater Lake National Park in Oregon for nearly a decade. He is on a mission to teach visitors that man-made global warming is real. But climate change can be a touchy subject. So Ettling devised a strategy. When a park visitor casts doubt on global warming, he makes an appeal to their pocketbook.

    “I try to shift the conversation away from polar bears and ice caps,” Ettling says. “I tell people there are a lot of things they can do to save money on their electric bill that will also help the environment. Usually, I can get through to them that way.”

    h/t Instapundit

    • rah says:

      My simple response to this tactic would be to tell the Ranger that I came here to see and learn about this particular park and it’s unique features. I did not come here to be a captive audience for one side of a political argument disguised as “education”. And to be quite frank I object to my tax dollars and the fee I paid to enter this place (If there was one) being used in such a manner. So now I will leave your tour and go take the self guided one. Have a nice day.

      • That is simple and clear. This Instapundit reader suggested a linguistically more robust alternative:

        “Sod off, swampy.”

      • I changed my mind about what one should do when encountering Ranger Brian Ettling. Watch the following video and you’ll understand. Imagine coming upon him, alone, in the wild:

        Follow these steps:

        1. Don’t panic. It will be a disturbing experience but you can get away without anyone getting hurt.
        2. Remember that he is a federal government employee paid with your tax dollars but do not get upset. The government wastes much more of your money on other useless things.
        3. Remain calm and do not run. Don’t look him in the eyes. Stand still and talk to him in a calm voice.
        4. If he does not get closer to you, slowly back away and keep talking in a quiet, monotone voice. Do not scream, turn your back on him, run, or make direct eye contact.
        5. Watch him and wait for him to leave. If he tries to approach you, bulge your eyes, speak in tongues and make wild hand signs. Try to look crazier than he.
        6. The idea is to persuade him to leave. Make sure he has a clear escape route, e.g. towards another group of park visitors.
        7. If he advances and shoves a yellow rubber chicken or an inflatable globe into your face, stand your ground. As a last resort, beat him with a soft object like a sweatshirt until he leaves.
        8. Report the encounter to the authorities.

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