Islam’s vision for women. Kabul 1950 vs. 2014. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
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Good for “The West” to straighten things out in that uncivilized country. “We” sure came a long way…..
Meanwhile at the same time in a country not very far away…
Mohammad Mosaddegh or Mosaddeq, was an Iranian politician. He was the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 until 1953, when his government was overthrown in a coup d’état orchestrated by the British MI6 and the American CIA. Wikipedia
The British Empire is at it for centuries.
Reblogged this on HERSTELPOLITIEK and commented:
Goed dat “wij” daar hebben ingegrepen. De vrouwen weer in het gareel en de economie weer bloeiend door de opium exporten. Klasse!
Pearls before swine.
Yes, I thank goodness my grandfather left Syria and the Muslim religion.
As a female, I can certainly say the USA has come a long long way since 1950.
I am sure he approves of the 1400 kids, Groomed, Drug and Raped by Multicultural Sensitivity
Or the ‘moderate Muslim’ who television executive who beheaded his wife.
“the Hassans started the Muslim-oriented Bridges TV network as a way to counter negative media images of Muslims after 9/11 and build cultural understanding.”
To add insult to injury he only got convicted of second degree murder – 25 years. Probably out of jail in a decade or so….
Religion of peace == militant Islam. There are peaceful Moslims, but not funny when it proves out that the ones outstanding are the ones who should be locked up for life.
What a sad, sad state of affairs.
Selfishness, self-centeredness is still the root of the problem.
The hope for the world today is the same as it was two thousand and twenty years (2020 yrs) ago, when three wise men concluded that the explosive birth of a new star meant humanity would have yet another chance to learn how to live.
Ironically, their treatment of women is what will keep the Muslims from winning any war; economic or otherwise. The west has twice the brain power, twice the fighting power and twice the economic power due to the contribution (not subjugation) of women.
Correct. It completely mistifies me that ANY WOMAN would support that religion but many many ‘feminists’ in the UK do!
Here is a classic from the Groiniad
This isn’t ‘feminism’. It’s Islamophobia – Laurie Penny
And from the Huff ‘n Puff : Feminists Betray Islamic Women
Worth a read.
(Interesting that Huff ‘n Puff grabs every bit of memory my computer has and constipates it for several minutes. Shows their audience is not the poor.)
This will shock you……Kabul……1972
Not really, it is just with the rise of militant Islam in the past 20 years that countries have regressed.
Thanks to the destabilisation of the region, Islam replaced, democracy.
The West created the Islamic ‘threat’.
Saddam detested the Islamists.
Ghadaffi didn’t think much of them either.
The United States was at least partially responsible for the Siege of Vienna. Seriously, look it up!
You can also say the same about the Shah of Iran. When we topple “repressive dictators” in the region, we better think long and hard about what usually follows.
Here we had President Bush destabilize the region with one of the most wasteful, idiotic wars in history and now another Bush wants to run again. Please!!
SO does another clinton, who took care of not one, but 2 (and almost 3) countries. Bush x 3.
The west did not create it. However, their ignorance did allow it to flourish.
Kabul UNDER COMMUNISM. Women had equal rights. The CIA wanted to end this and succeeded.
Sadly, this is the case.
Communism is horrible, but islamism is worse.
Kabul under Communism in 1972? Ever heard of King Zahir Shah?
Did your preferred narrative overwhelm the facts of history again?
Intelligence Literature: Suggested Reading List
This is why American women need to always have the right to keep an bear arms. If someone tried to force me to wear a circus tent, they will become worm food.
I figure the suppression of women is because they feared us.
When you get your wives by raiding a hostile tribe*** ‘Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live’ (where witch = wisewoman) makes perfect sense. She has the knowledge of herbs and can poison you….
Islam just takes that suppression to an extreme.
*** A tribe has to get women from another tribe or they will die out from too much inbreeding.
Today’s new technology is remarkable and several new start ups hold hope for today’s Feminist Organizations. Recently CEOs of several major firms met with industry leaders and promised that within just a few short years Feminists can look forward to the ‘Glass Ceiling’ being replaced by revolutionary new materials that are much easier to clean.
And I will wish you plenty of Lutefisk for Christmas…. made of cod.
lol but my Swedish wife and her college age daughter won’t let me bring it into the house.
God jul och ett gott nytt år Gail. -Paul 🙂
Ja, men vores arv her er en del dansk, så Glædelig Jul med en kartoffel i munden.
We need a lutefish Christmas just for us guys (my wife hates it as well).
Works for me!
Well it seems that airstrikes and feminist kurds are kicking the ass of ISIL.
Hey my wife is super fluent in Danish.
I hope she doesn’t see that comment.
Hubby and I are both part Danish. A girl of about 18 who came over to the USA for a year to work was given a phone number and told she had a few relatives in the USA. She called Hubby’s uncle who invited her to dinner. Over one hundred of her relatives showed up and she was treated to such American delicacies as bear and elk as well as venison (deer meat) — Uncle is a big game hunter. I went home with enough meat to feed us for six months when I mention I really like the elk to his wife.
Big families can be nice. It must have been a treat for that young girl to meet so many distant relatives and to have so many stories to bring back home.
She was completely stunned to realize how many American relatives she had.
Since we moved from the Boston MA area to mid North Carolina we now frequent a local feed store run by a fellow with the same last name as the village my husband’s family came from. That is where his family is from too. The current population is under 500 so we figure he has to be another cousin.
I went to college with a lady with the last name of Plante. It was a unique spelling (according to her, but then what do I know). Still, her claim that she had never met a Plante that was not related to her, was a challenge to me. I went home on Thanksgiving break (it was a far away school – 1974, 1000 miles was far) and found 2 in the phone book at home (come on folks! this was dinosaur days! No internet!) I took them back to her, and she actually contacted them. One had recently “Americanized” their name and was not really a Plante (they were a Planty) and the other was an in-law (former and now divorced) from an Uncle.
It never ceases to amaze me about these Kevin Bacon relationships!
Given the birth rate in Denmark, I suspect she had to recover from her coma. 😉
Then there are the Seven Daughters of Eve. “Using mtDNA, researchers have traced European populations back to seven “daughters of Eve.”
A map image showing the origin points of the seven “daughters of Eve”.
And The Discovery of Mitochondrial Eve
I heard Eve was a woman in Africa about 250k years ago. So the 7 is new to me. But shows what REAL science is about – constant discovery.
Looks like something I could watch…
? The Real Eve Discovery Channel YouTube – YouTube
Genuine query- do Islamic women go to heaven? What is it like there for women, or are there only the virgins issued to martyrs?
Are they recreated in heaven as honorary men if they have led virtuous lives, or do they simply not matter enough for Islamic theology to make provision for them?
Actually they did not read it correctly. It is not virgins but Virginians.
Damn skippy!
Heaven is a state of mind. Many here touch heaven at times. Dead or alive, women and all humans experience their own version. It isn’t the same for all. All ideologies/religions are, after a period of adjustment, irrelevant. The soul/spark of infinity which we all are experiences the great all that is as needed. Not to worry, everything will be okay no matter how dire your current experience seems to be. Brenda Carlisle touched on this:
An edit function would be nice
Dr Carlisle I presume. Merry Christmas SB! Thanks for the chuckle.
I figure we are in Purgatory and trying to work our way out and just do not know it.
They weren’t equal in the 50’s, that is to say us mysogynists could tell the attractive ones from the not so. They drove men to drink longing for their beauty.
Now they are all equally beautiful…until you take ’em home. Then you’re driven to drink. /sarc
In case you are historically (or otherwise) challenged, you should know that the Salem witch trials were pre 1950. But what about after 1776?
“In every state, the legal status of free women depended upon marital status. Unmarried women, including widows, were called “femes soles,” or “women alone.” They had the legal right to live where they pleased and to support themselves in any occupation that did not require a license or a college degree restricted to males. Single women could enter into contracts, buy and sell real estate, or accumulate personal property, which was called personalty. It consisted of everything that could be moved—cash, stocks and bonds, livestock, and, in the South, slaves. So long as they remained unmarried, women could sue and be sued, write wills, serve as guardians, and act as executors of estates. These rights were a continuation of the colonial legal tradition. But the revolutionary emphasis on equality brought some important changes in women’s inheritance rights. State lawmakers everywhere abolished primogeniture and the tradition of double shares of a parent’s estate, inheritance customs that favored the eldest son. Instead, equal inheritance for all children became the rule—a big gain for daughters.”
Class dismissed! Merry Christmas!
A great tale of a great woman who is little known in history. A women that beat the men in a manly trade.
Eleanor Creesy was the Navigator when the clipper ship Flying Cloud set the fastest time, port to port, for any sailing ship on the NYC to San Francisco via the route around cape Horn.
It was she that first used new data on ocean currents and weather in the Atlantic Ocean compiled by Lt. Matthew Fontaine Maury, Superintendent of the National Observatory. Using that data she plotted courses never tried by commercial ships before because they added many miles over the established routes everyone else was using. But the speed gained more than made up for the extra miles.
Taking such a chance in a new vessel in the environment of high financial stakes during the time of the Gold rush was quite a courageous gamble.
Flying Cloud’s record stood for 100 years. To this day the only sailing vessels capable of beating the records that Flying Cloud and other clippers set are racing yachts.
The Salem Witch Trials were started by, & primarily prosecuted based on, the false testimony of (dun dun dun) women.
There were about as many men tried &/or convicted of witchcraft as there were women.
If anything, the Salem Witch Trials should be used as prima facie evidence of the incompatibility of feminism & a free society.
How about prima facie evidence of the incompatibility of emotional hysterics and facts especially in court.
ADMINISTRATOR is a rather interesting tag.
The first connection I make to that handle is the book Philip Dru: Administrator by ‘Colonel’ Edward M. House (1912) House was a major influence over Wilson and FDR. This book read by Wilson as well as FDR seems to be a blueprint for the actions taken by the Wilson, FDR, and Obama administrations to transform our nation into a dictatorship.
‘Colonel’ House is pretty much an unknown figure to the common man but I doubt he is unknown to our masters, the banksters:
The reprint in 1998 has this Bio of the author:
Do not forget the Council on Foreign Relations is one of Milner’s Round Tables.
Ezra Pound commissioned Mullins, a former member of the staff of the Library of Congress to write the book while Pound was a political prisoner held for 13 1/2 years at St. Elizabet’s Hospital in DC.( a Federal Institution for the insane.) He was shuffled there at the time by friends because he had been indicted by a federal grand jury for treason against the United States of America as a “radio traitor.” If convicted he would have been put to death.
Via radio in Italy Pound assured Americans in 1942,
Back to the Council on Foreign Relations, Colonel House’s baby.
Joseph Kraft, writing in Harper’s, called the Council on Foreign Relations a “school for statesmen.” David Halberstam puts it more wryly: “They walk in one door as acquisitive businessmen and come out the other door as statesmen-figures.”
The historical record speaks even more loudly than these quotes. Through early 1988, fourteen secretaries of state, fourteen treasury secretaries, eleven defense secretaries, and scores of other federal department heads have been CFR members.
Come on, Brian, let’s go to the stoning.