Daily Archives: April 5, 2023

ChatGPT Has Difficulty Providing A Simple Answer

Q. Are death rates from weather related events increasing or decreasing? A. It is difficult to provide a simple answer to this question as the trends in death rates from weather-related events can vary depending on the type of event … Continue reading

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ChatGPT : Oil Companies Bad – Green Energy Companies Good

“Researchers who receive funding from oil companies may be more likely to produce results that are favorable to the company’s interests, and may be less likely to report negative or unfavorable findings. This can create a bias in the research, … Continue reading

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“The United States ability to use “democracy” as foreign policy is gone”

The President Of El Salvador weighs in. “Think what you want about former President Trump and the reasons he’s being indicted. But just imagine if this happened in any other country, where a government arrested the main opposition candidate. The … Continue reading

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Election Interference In 1968

Robert Kennedy would have been elected easily as President in 1968, but the deep state made sure that didn’t happen. “The assassination of Bobby Kennedy: Was Sirhan Sirhan hypnotized to be the fall guy?” The assassination of Bobby Kennedy: Was … Continue reading

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Green Genocide

Hitler killed millions of people, but climate alarmists’ plans would kill billions. Half the World Faces Starvation Under Net Zero Policies, Say Two Top Climate Scientists – The Daily Sceptic

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Fifteen Years Of The Arctic Death Spiral

“Last year we had the forecast from NSIDC’s Dr. Mark Serreze of an “ice free north pole”. As we know, that didn’t even come close to being true. Summer 2008 had more arctic ice than summer 2007, and summer 2007 … Continue reading

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AI Climate Scam

Another example of ChatGPT ignoring the scientific method and simply parroting back propaganda from the Internet.

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