Daily Archives: September 4, 2024

Gemini Can See The Future

I asked Gemini to draw a graph of Arctic sea ice extent since 2007, and it plotted values for 2025 and 2030.  Then it acknowledged that was scientific malpractice.

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Clinton To Defeat Trump By Double Digits

“New poll shows Clinton over Trump by double-digits By Eric Bradner, CNN Sun October 23, 2016” Presidential poll: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 12 | CNN Politics

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Climate Intelligence Means “Making Things Up”

venice.ai claims that arctic sea ice extent has declined since 2007, and they say that this year’s minimum is  “3.25 million square kilometers” Ice extent has not declined since 2007 and this year’s minimum so far is 4,311,000 km.sq. according … Continue reading

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