6,000 Year Old Tree In The Austrian Alps

“In autumn 2014, large pieces of trees were discovered for the first time from glacial slope sediments in the foreland of the Pasterze glacier. These are far larger than previous finds and are impressive evidence of the former tree population. The tree trunk, several metres long and broken into two pieces, was discovered in September 2014 by two employees of the Grossglockner mountain railway/glacier railway. Initial analyses by Andreas Kellerer-Pirklbauer (University of Graz) and Kurt Nicolussi (University of Innsbruck) show that it is around 6,000 years old.”

Pasterze releases a meter-long tree trunk after thousands of years – Spittal

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to 6,000 Year Old Tree In The Austrian Alps

  1. Bob G says:

    when Michael Mann first saw that old tree trunk his first thought was he could turn that into a lot of hockey sticks!

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    So that glacier is less than 6000 years old, which makes the case of more than one Little Ice Age, and that our current average temperature may be lower than was typical between the last major ice age and now.

    • arn says:

      When we take a look at the Denizovan cave,which is pretty much the gold standard for prehistoric human research,
      we may find evidence from 50.000+ year ago .
      The cave is located in a region up in the mountains with very cold winters and has a constant temperature of 7 degrees celsius throughout summer and winter.

      It is very likely that those humans were not freezing their butts off
      for no reason up in the mountains instead of moving into a cave down in the valley,
      but that the cave was way warmer during the times it was occupied.

  3. Robertvd says:

    Prof. Gernot Patzelt: Gletscher- und Waldentwicklung in alpinen Hochlagen

    video is 11 years old and in German

    Prof. Dr. Gernot Patzelt: Gletscher als Klimazeugen (1/2)

    video is 14 years old and also in German

    • Robertvd says:

      Trees have been growing much higher up the mountain and much closer to the Poles during most of the Holocene than today is possible. Climate change because of human CO2 is the biggest lie ever invented by those in power.

  4. Gamecock says:

    Did it’s rings tell them what the temperature was?

    • Bob G says:

      Lol. Funny! darn I wish I would have thought of that one. 🙂

    • Robertvd says:

      Today no trees can grow up there so it must have been warmer you’d think. Most of the Holocene has been warmer than today. Most of the last 200 million years have been much warmer than today. But most of the last 2.6 million years have been colder than today. We live in an Ice Age.

      • conrad ziefle says:

        Bingo, and low CO2 at one point almost wiped botanical life off the planet, and guess what would go next- zoological life. I have started a new science based faith, and our basic principle is that everyone should burn fossil fuels to provide for life on Earth 20 million years into the future.

  5. Russell Cook says:

    Clima-Change™ increasingly causes evidence to pop up which completely undercuts all faith in the idea that no time in previous history was it as warm as it is right now.

    — “Ahh”, says man, “the 6000 year old tree trunk proves you exist, and proof denies faith. But without faith, you are nothing.”

    “Oh dear”, says Clima-Change™, “I hadn’t thought of that.” And promptly disappears in a puff of logic.

    • Robertvd says:

      Never understood why Canadians would want it colder. Why would you want to live under an ice sheet like most of the last 100 000 years ?

      • Russell Cook says:

        Or anyone, for that matter. I blame the “turn-on-the-planet’s-A/C” movement on the minority of two or three generations’ worth of enviros living in San Fran and NYC who’ve gotten used to their A/Cs set at 62°F and who wander out in 48°F fall through spring temps wearing light jackets or just long sleeve shirts. Having lived in an undisclosed very hot area of the U.S. now for the last three decades under the poverty level, which obligated me to set my A/C at higher and higher temps to save money (now up to 85°F), I’ve gotten acclimated to heat. What the Canadians and enviros call unbearable 90°F temps rendering places uninhabitable …. is considered a downright pleasant summertime temp where I’m at. So, this ‘set the planet temp lower’ mentality is what happens when enviros never leave their insulated little emotion-driven, anti-science echo chamber bubbles.

        • conrad ziefle says:

          My wife complains when it is 85 degrees. I remember visiting with my grandparents as a child out in the middle of the Oklahoma plains in the 1950s when it was 100f with no A/C at all.

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