AI Climate Math

Google Gemini boldly asserts that there has been an increase in hurricanes due to the burning of fossil fuels. There is zero evidence to support any of this propaganda.

“there is strong scientific consensus that the increasing intensity and frequency of hurricanes are linked to climate change, which is primarily caused by the burning of fossil fuels.”

Global Tropical Cyclone Activity | Ryan Maue

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to AI Climate Math

  1. arn says:

    A few weeks ago there was some woke actress from Australia asking one of those AI ‘s
    wether Jesus , according to the Bible data,
    is the son of god,the Messiah or a prophet.

    The answer was : Prophet.
    Which is quiet interesting considering that throughout the millenias, and even till the ancient Rabbis, who considered Issaih 53 to be about the Messiah,
    noone ever thought him to be a prophet(as Islam claims).

    Somehow the AI made out of 100 % Messiah data and 0 % prophet data
    a prophet conclusion.

    If the corruption of AI, which was never meant to be AI,but artificial propaganda and kind of future ultimate fact checking authority, has already reached such fringe levels to support the narrative with prefabricated lies,
    then everything important for the globalist agenda,like climate,vaccines,Kamala etc
    is for sure on a woke level.

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