Climate Intelligence Means “Making Things Up” claims that arctic sea ice extent has declined since 2007, and they say that this year’s minimum is  “3.25 million square kilometers”

Ice extent has not declined since 2007 and this year’s minimum so far is 4,311,000 km.sq. according to NSIDC and 4,760,000 km.sq. according to OSI.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Climate Intelligence Means “Making Things Up”

  1. Peter Carroll says:

    AI has nothing to do with, “intelligence”. All it is is a massive data base, into which virtually anyone can dump information, regardless of its veracity and out of which anyone can select any information, to suit their purpose.
    AI is incapable of rational thought or logical reasoning. Judging right from wrong according to any number of standards. Has no appreciation of beauty, music, or emotions. Is utterly incapable of experiencing anything, let alone learning from experience.
    To put it very bluntly, it has no soul!

    • arn says:

      It is pretty obvious that AI is being fed only

      a ) filtered,woke google results, from the first 3 pages

      b) if the AI still somehow manages to deliver true,unwoke,Anti -Agenda/ Consent results than the Administrator can overwrite those result via backdoor and top priority code and eliminate the possibility of any future unwoke results on that topic.

  2. Bob G says:

    Everybody knows that the summer arctic ice cover is lower now compared to 45 years ago. unfortunately what we don’t know is what was happening the past 150 years, aside from antidotal info. what we’re seeing now might be totally average over a 150 year span. I suspect it’s not currently average. I think it’s lower than it would otherwise be because of black soot from Chinese and Indian coal fired power plants. that would explain why the ice cover is almost average in the heart of the dark winter but way below average at the end of the sunny summer. nothing to do with CO2.

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    I don’t know that everyone knows that the summer ice coverage is lower now than 45 years ago, although I agree with the rest of your argument. The problem is, are we taking 45 years absolutely, or approximately. Absolutely puts it at a specific point on the sinusoidal curve and approximately would infer probably the average over several years. We have information from early Arctic explorers, which Tony has posted, which implies that the ice situation was thin and rotten back in the early 1900s. We also have photos of US subs surfaced through a hole in the ice at the North Pole in the 1950s. We know that the Arctic explorers such as Peary and Cook made their dashes at the Pole in winter to limit the number of ice leads they were forced to cross, and still they had to cross them. To me, it is unclear whether the ice was more extensive and thicker at any time, other than being at a different point on the sinusoidal curve. It seems most likely to me that it’s been pretty much on the same oscillation for most of recent history.

    • Bob G says:

      Mr Z., Tony Heller has posted graphs that show that the arctic ice cover has been stable for 20 years. in the summer though, it’s much lower than it was 45 years ago. check out the link below. but why is it lower? a cycle? or is it because China and India built hundreds of coal fired power plants that are spewing soot all over the high Arctic which causes a lot of melting in the summer. without a satellite view we really don’t know the true extent of the ice 100 years ago. the satellite view only goes back to the late 70s. Tony Heller and others have noted that we had a satellite view of the Arctic at least 10 years before that and it seems to be being hidden.

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