Clinton To Defeat Trump By Double Digits

“New poll shows Clinton over Trump by double-digits
By Eric Bradner, CNN
Sun October 23, 2016”

Presidential poll: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 12 | CNN Politics

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Clinton To Defeat Trump By Double Digits

  1. Peter Carroll says:

    There is only ONE poll that matters. The election itself.

    • Bob G says:

      Except in Pennsylvania where they count votes until they get the desired outcome. if it takes 3 days that’s okay. if it takes a week that’s okay too. oh in Arizona too where the voting machines don’t work on election Day. oh in Michigan also, where they cover the windows with newspaper and mysterious vehicles show up at 3:00 a.m. full of ballots. Did I mention Georgia yet? they have unattended drop boxes, which are totally unneeded because everybody’s mailbox is a Dropbox…you just put the flag up. they must not teach that anymore. amazing that investigative reporters with mainstream media couldn’t find any fraud.

  2. William says:

    In 2020 with three weeks before the selection “some polls” showed The Sniffer with as much as a 16 point lead. As he “campaigned” from his basement, popping up from time to time to babble incoherently before “calling a lid”. Meanwhile Trump was speaking before 50K people in Nowhere IA as they chanted “We love you!”. Then..Election Day. Or days. Weeks. Just keep counting. Whatever it takes. At 10 PM in PA Trump had a 700K lead and even the media bobble heads were saying he had it in the bag, no way biden could catch him. But wait..and a few days later Mr 81 Million was coronated. The most popular “president” in history. The People had spoken. It was the miracle of Our Democracy. And Joey Lunchbucket took his place on the world stage, snarling and farting and muttering. And here we are. Trump may have to continue his campaign from prison because he had an unpaid parking ticket from 2003. But it was in NYC and they take parking violations very seriously. His formidable opponents are Giggles Harris, an evil corrupt part time Indian or something, and The Tampon Fairy, aka America’s Dad. It doesn’t look good and the surrealism continues to escalate

    • arn says:

      Talking about the most equal of all animals in the military.
      The dude who served 1/4 of a century for a country that is permanently at war, without ever being sent to the front:

      Is it just a coincidence that Tampon Warrior Tim looks like the Monster from Frankenstein Junior?

    • czechlist says:

      As Rush used to point out:
      polls are used to influence the vote rather than predict results up until the final few days when the pollsters’ future financial survival depends upon their accuracy.

      • William says:

        Hence this fleeting headline that I caught this AM (Reuters? Bloomberg? Does it matter?) “Polls: Harris leads Trump in most swing states.”

      • Disillusioned says:

        After I became disillusioned about the global warming scam and with the Demokrat Party – and kicked a nasty quarter-century daily addiction, mainlining NPR – Rush was one of the first I began listening to on the radio. I miss Rush and his formerly nicotine stained fingers.

        • conrad ziefle says:

          Rush was one of the best spokespersons for conservatives, ever. Right now the best one I can think of is Tucker. There are the guys at Daily Wire, but I’ve never caught on to them as much. Tucker also has a morning brief letter that almost makes some of the others unnecessary. I have a lot of subscriptions that I need to prune.

  3. arn says:

    They learned from their mistakes in 2020
    and adjusted Dominion to the poll results,
    after they realised that only fudging the polls and a few million fake votes won ‘ t do.

    Funny note – 2 weeks ago the eternal human carrot on a stick for young democrat voters, Bernie Sanders, finally admitted that the democrats screwed him (again ) in 2020 in favor of Biden.
    I wonder why it took him 4 years longer than I needed to realise this?
    Sell out is the only answer when you get screwed twice by war criminals and then endorse them in return.

    As Christopher Nolan used to say
    ” You either die a hero
    or live long enough to become Bernie Sanders( the Alfred of Hitlary and Joe)”

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    I think the reason they brazenly projected the Hildabeastithighs to be 16% ahead of trump was becasue they thought their stealing machine was perfected and would prove them out. By 2020, they had perfected it, even though it was overtly sloppy. In 2024, they will do smoothly and completely undercover. The only way to beat them is to have voting machine counter hackers that negate their hacking, Methods to stop ballot stuffing, and other physical cheating. It does no good to catch them and then file in court afterward. You have to catch them and stop them from being counted at the onset.

    • arn says:

      I think they still have some serious problems stealing elections –
      otherwise there wouldn’t have been an assassination attempt on Trump.
      You don’t do such things if you know you will win for sure.
      Especially when such an attempt ,if it failed,will lead to a massive voter gain for the victim – as it did.
      (Yet Kamala Harris officially gains more votes for saying hello than Trump surviving an assassiation attempt).

      I also heard that there was a recent Trump/Harris poll on TwitterX by some leftie celeb billionaire ,a guy who most probably do not have any right followers.
      And Trump won by about 2:1-
      which is probably way closer to the real numbers than any official poll,
      where Trump simply can not get ahead of shadow Kamala – no matter if he gets assassinated or teams up with Kennedy etc.

      • Bob G says:

        the poll was conducted by the dumbest of the billionaires… Mark Cuban. the source of his wealth is selling to for 100 times what it was worth. I guess that makes Yahoo dumber.

        • arn says:

          You ain’t dumb when you sell something with a 10.000% premium.
          You most probably have some Epstein scheme going on to get so much money for nothing.

  5. Bob G says:

    I didn’t say Cuban was dumb. I said he’s the dumbest of the billionaires. let me add I think he’s the dumbest shark on the shark tank show too. typically I like successful people but there’s something about him that turns me off… and that was before I read that he preferred Harris over Trump.

    • arn says:

      Mark seems to be as much Cuban as Kamala is black.
      After doing a bit of research it seems that Mr Cuban used to be friends with Trump – so much that he let him even campaign in his Stadium.

      That he turned against him and in favour of a chick he never heard about until 2020 – and who got no votes and avoided the public as much as she could while being part of a desastrous government –
      is some very odd,but also very standard behaviour amongst US billionaires,who used to kiss his butt until 2016.
      While I can fathom why the black community turned against its most beloved white guy and went from 90% love to 90% hate as result of low education,high illetarcy and massive propaganda,
      the very same logic can not be applied to the billionaires club
      as they are very educated and create and control the propaganda.
      Therefore the hate must come from somewhere else,
      eg. disrupting their powerstructure.

      • conrad ziefle says:

        AP just misquoted JD Vance, and this was after Putin endorsed Harris. Is the AP a Russian disinformation agency? Merrittless Garland should investigate. I can’t wait to see what he turns up!

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