Comedy From The BBC

The BBC says Kamala Harris has thrived in debates.  Her only memorable debate performance was getting crushed by Tulsi Gabbard.

Kamala Harris has thrived in debates – will her tactics work on Trump?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to Comedy From The BBC

  1. arn says:

    Noone can remember a debate of hers, yet she is thriving?

    When you have an empty shell as president and still noone realizes that you exist,
    because you are less than an empty shell, just the shadow of said shell – how can you be thriving?

    Maybe the fact that Miss Minstrel 2024 needed massa Tim Walz to babysit here during a 60 min softball interview that ended up being 18 min short because she messed everything up despite prerecording.
    Or the fact that she thrived so much that she got 1% of the votes in 2020 and
    0 votes in 2024?
    Thriving shadows are really impressive.

    • Russell Cook says:

      Up is down.
      Black is white.
      Riots are mostly peaceful.
      Kamala thrives in debates and is joyful.
      BBC is a paragon of accurate reporting.

      • arn says:

        What people usually ignore:

        While riots with burning houses and streets and killed people – are mostly peaceful.
        Events where nothing happened – jan 6th – are sold by the same people as terroristic actions.
        (or the fact that Will Smith hitting Chris Rock got more and longer coverage by MSM than the deep states assassination attempt on Trump which,if it’d succeeded, would have been also used to end 2nd amendment using “easy access to guns killed Trump – your fault).

        And todays funny comment is not from Schroedingers Kamala ( Black and Indian until they pull her out of the box),
        but by Biden

        ” We (USA) are the greatest manufacturing city… county in the world … state in the world… city in the world “

        • Russell Cook says:

          Good ol’ Cackles-amala; the gift that keeps on giving. In the Pictionary illustrated definitions book, the entry for her is a photo of an empty suit.

        • Russell Cook says:

          Geeze, the upside down world we’re living in today has got me backwards thinking. The the entry for an empty suit is a photo of her. Although my other new comment sorta works anyway ….

  2. Alastair says:

    The BBC has long done comedy, near the bottom of every page you will see the link “Why you can trust the BBC”!

  3. Scissor says:

    Seems like the debate between whether to spit or swallow got her to where she is.

    • arn says:

      Yet some people claim she has 0 skills.

    • William says:

      If memory serves she had that debate with Hussein Barry Sotero in his previous incarnation as a CIA homosexual prostitute. Before he and Mike were an item. At the time Giggles was working as a more conventional garden variety whore to further her political power lust

  4. Bob G says:

    Six great memorable moments in presidential race history. number 6. ask not what your country can do for you….JFK. number 5. it’s morning in America. Reagan. number 4. read my lips no new taxes. G.H. Bush. number 3. I still believe in a place called hope. Bill Clinton. number 2. make America great again. Donald Trump. number 1, Mr vice President, I’m speaking I’m speaking. lol. Mr vice President, I’m speaking I’m speaking I’m speaking I’m speaking. Kommyla Harris :-).
    honorable mention to VP candidate Tim walz. it’s a toss-up between “you have no guarantee of freedom of speech” and “the weapons of war that I carried in war.” lol

  5. conrad ziefle says:

    Reviewing the little video clip, it came to mind that the whole “broken justice system” was a media propped up canard. And the majority of the population bought into it. Yes, the criminal justice system had and has its problems, particularly now with the politicization by the DOJ, but it’s not totally broken, otherwise we would have complete chaos.
    Oh, and she benefitted from school busing? She, whose father was a professor at Stanford, a 100% black man, but his kid had to be bused otherwise she would have never gotten anywhere in life? And her mother, just a quicky from the Google: Born in India, Gopalan immigrated to the United States at 19 years old to pursue a post-graduate degree in nutrition and endocrinology at the University of California, Berkeley. She eventually became a breast cancer researcher, and her work contributed to several significant advances in the field.
    Yeah, I’m sure Kamala would have lived in the ghetto, doing drugs if it weren’t for the school bussing program. Ditto Obama, who went to an elite high school in Hawaii. There are people of all colors who actually had to struggle, and these elitists equate their lives to those, although they never even came close to struggling.

    • Bob G says:

      I think I recall reading that Kommy Harris lived in or lived near Toronto Canada from age 12 to 18. I think the only bussing they did there was transporting your hockey team to a rivals arena

    • arn says:

      You can go to Harvard for the money they spent on Obamas high school years.

      While one can understand why Harvard may be so expensive in terms of high end education and size one really wonders what makes the high school that ain’t a boarding school this expensive?
      And why does someone even need to attend a private school in peaceful Hawaii? – only an elitist prick whose father was in the oil business would do such a thing.

      • Jack the Insider says:

        I was at the shops (in Australia) yesterday and both Barry and Michael’s latest books were on sale, prominently positioned of course for maximum exposure. Normally these life story books have photo sections included, so i flicked through both. In Michael’s not a single photo included. Hmmm i thought what about Barry’s? Barry’s book had two photo sections but not a single pic from before his creation in 2008. No photo’s of young Barry, none of meeting Mike for the first time, no early photos of the kids growing up. Funny about that.

        • roaddog says:

          IN a proper bookstore, Obama’s books are filed under “Fiction”.

        • arn says:

          Legend says that Barry couldn’t sit for 3 weeks after his first intercourse with Mitchel.
          (and that’s why I said right after the Epstein scandal that this one politician won ‘t be on Epsteins List – because he is not into girls)

          And for some reason Miss Obaman benefits from the same coincidences as the french 1st Lady Mancron.
          Beautifully challenged chicks with handsome husbands.
          Little to no photos from their child years.
          And the luck that people who openly doubt their gender instantly suffered from some Boeing – whistleblower Syndrome.
          In terms of Mitchel it was Joan Rivers
          and in terms of Miss Mancron a female journalist(forgot her name,iirc her last name may have been Ray) who announced to release some evidence next week drowned during the weekend.

  6. William says:

    The opponent the candidates “directly confronted” was the wooden Indian/zombie who would soon be installed as The Leader. It would be as People magazine stated “A Time For Healing”..from peace and prosperity. He stared straight ahead, oblivious to being Directly Confronted. But Giggles led the confronters, she throve to such an extent that she never finished better than third in any of the primaries

  7. Gamecock says:

    I’ve noticed the commie press is now emphasizing “Harris,” to the exclusion of “Kamala.” I believe they recognize her name has become a negative.

    I have never heard an original thought from Kamala. Or any thought. Just word salad.

    • arn says:

      In greece they call her by her anagram : Malaka

      Maybe that”s why they dropped her 1st name.
      But it is more likely that they pronounced her name all those years the same way
      that it is now deemed racist and was used to call others “right wing racist extremists” .
      And this backfired.

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