“fair & equitable”

The UN describes their plan to destroy the environment as “fair & equitable

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to “fair & equitable”

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    So the UN admits that it is the governmental arm of world fascism. When has fair and equitable had anything to do with growth opportunity?

    • arn says:

      UN’s claim is Orwellian as they are absolutely pro deindustrialisation.

      And a trippling of production to satify the demand within just 5 years is IMO opinion impossible, especially for a noncompetitive product.
      And production is even the least problem
      as you can not open a mine overnight – and a triplling of production may need a similar increase in mines.
      They push this crap in order to pretend growth into existence so they can keep on pushing their agenda,subventions and powergrip (contrary to the WHO they can not unleash a virus to justify their subversion of democracy)

      Merkel has used this lie years ago – when she promised millions of new green jobs.
      Obama has recycled that lie.
      The millions of jobs turned out to be dozens of broke green companies.

  2. Bob G says:

    apparently the growth is targeted for China. the Biden administration has halted the opening of a new copper nickel mine in NE Minnesota. the bumbling fools incentivize people to buy electric cars while at the same time punishing people that want to provide the materials to build that car.

  3. Mike Peinsipp says:

    What happen when materials run out…WARS!

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