Gemini Can See The Future

I asked Gemini to draw a graph of Arctic sea ice extent since 2007, and it plotted values for 2025 and 2030.  Then it acknowledged that was scientific malpractice.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Gemini Can See The Future

  1. arn says:

    talking about AI and my crazy claims about woke globalist Ai .
    I was proven wrong.
    1:05 – 1:45
    Especially 1:10- 1:45 is interesting to understand how climate science works
    and how a lot of data is generated out of nothing,while magnitudes of more and real data from 1:05-1:10 is reduced to 0 by deliberate ignorance

    • conrad ziefle says:

      I guess I’m going to have to subscribe to Brand on Rumble. He is very good about making his points. Also, somehow I ended up with Sky News in Australia, which is so much better than any US news network. I wish they had a channel here.

      • arn says:

        Sky news Australia is the odd one out.
        Someone told me here that they have some kind of rebellish department at that tv station (or it is simply the fact that everything is upside down there?).
        And they are way more authentic and better than Fox news.
        The only msm left that is worth watching.

        Russell Brand is quiet interesting:
        First I thought he is a dipshit celeb as no sane person would marry Kate Perry.
        But I found out that he is very knowledgeable and way ahead of me which was quiet a surprising thing to realise and that he evolved so much from ” I’m a veggie because health and I use heroin” a very wise man in a few years.
        His greatest quality is probably that he can sell the message to young people without looking fake,artificial or cringe
        – and he is the only person with choreographed armmovements who does not piss off within 5 seconds
        as I have a high aversion against this.

        • Jack the Insider says:

          All the commentators on Sky News are reasonable but the best program which attacks wokeness and the climate scam is called “Outsiders” It’s only on once a week for two hours on a Sunday morning hosted by Rowen Dean, with regular panel members, Rita Panahi and James Morrow (a New York expat).

        • conrad ziefle says:

          Yeah, the hand and arm movements, particularly when trying to sell a point!. It makes them look stupid and desperate. What child is going to fall for this arm flinging? I wonder if Sky could have a station in the US? They’re a day ahead of us, so it would have to be offset to match our viewing hours, but I bet they could pull a huge audience very quickly.

  2. Bill says:

    I was very impressed with the summary of scientific malpractice. I saved the .png file, but it would be handy to have the text as well.

    Somehow, I think this analysis will prove to have continuing value.

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