Hottest Summer Ever

The Associated Press says earth was blistering hot 16.8C (62F) this summer.

Earth breaks yet another record for hottest summer | AP News

Here in the US, the average daily maximum temperature and percent of days above 90F were just about average since 1895.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Hottest Summer Ever

  1. Mike Peinsipp says:

    Tony, I and others have passed your facts on to thousands of others thru friends. The return I and others are receiving is that more & more know that AGW is crap & lies. They have lived thru enuf life to know Mann and others are Lying. Thank you for you and Cap Alonso work and with y’all’s ARMMY of followers we are showing Americans the facts. Thanks!!!

  2. Bob G says:

    Reporting from near dead center of the North American continent, St Cloud Minnesota, our temperature records go back to 1881. the 2024 average temperature for the past 3 months, meteorological summer, was 69.966. I don’t know where that ranks but I know that to make the top 10 warmest here it would have to average 71.1. number one warmest summer was in 1933 at 72.7. personally I’m surprised that we were that high, at 69.966 this summer, since we had no extreme hot weather, (nothing close to a daily record high). it looks to me what brought the average up is that we also had no cold nights. the Low’s seem to be higher than the past and that’s a sign of our growing urban heat island effect, a metro area of about 120,000 people compared to 10% of that 100 years ago. no crisis here, just a very pleasant summer with above average rainfall.

  3. Greg in NZ says:

    Is Carlo’s other job working as a trick magician in the circus with three upturned cups: switch switch switch and the loser is –

    It’s a very average 17 C here this afternoon while down in the South Island, apart from the howling gales and huge seas and snow on the Alps, you could choose RAIN in the west, DRY warm foehn in the east, or frigid thunder SNOW sleet hail in the south… take your pick (and shovel it Carlo).

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    I guess it depends on when “for ever” started. It appears from their graph that “for ever” started in the 1940s. Next question, is why did it start then? Was it then that they finally had enough worldwide temperature stations that Copernicus could claim to have worldwide coverage? What about all the years before then that the US had temperature records? Then lastly, 1940 to now would only be a short term trend on a climate scale, which is just as likely to reverse as it is to go forward. So “that humanity ever recorded” means that Copernicus recorded since 1940.

  5. Jack the Insider says:

    Same as in Australia, the MSM is jamming down our throats that this has been the hottest winter ever and yet from personal experience, where i live in Queensland at least, it has felt like one of the coldest ever. George Orwell was a prophet!

    • Bob G says:

      looking at my trusty globe I see Queensland is in the Northeast and you say it’s been cooler than usual during your winter which is June July and August. I have a cousin who lives in Melbourne so I’m picking his City for the heck of it. that’s located in the far southeast. June and July were below average in temp. August was way above average. I found the averages on something called weather spark. this years average was computed by the daily temperatures found on weather underground. Melbourne’s average winter is 49.66 and in 2024 it was 50.4. if I’m not mistaken Melbourne has three or four million people so that above average winter temp could easily be accounted for by the urban heat island. bottom line, nothing unusual.

      • Jack the Insider says:

        100% Bob. I have relatives in Melbourne who can attest how extra cold and miserable it has been this Winter and yes it is a massive heat island capital city. Queensland is a huge state that ranges from the temperate zone in the south to the tropics in the north. I’m in the South-East corner in a region that is a bit like your Florida. I gauge my comments of “one of the coldest ever” on the heater index. In a normal Winter we only have to provide additional heating for maybe 10 days in a year, and only once the sun goes down. This year the heater was on virtually every night through Winter and sometimes during the day as well.

        • Bob G says:

          like I posted earlier, June and July were below average in temperature in Melbourne but August was way above average …something like 4° above average. not only do I have a cousin in Melbourne, I have a high school classmate who lives in New Zealand. in both cases a woman had something to do with them moving there.

  6. conrad ziefle says:

    Isn’t there something associated with the solar flare that caused the huge aurora borealis that also causes higher than usual temperatures? I was told that we would continue to travel through the flare for several months, and that the Carrington Event would be possible for several months after the aurora settled down. Anyone know anything about this?
    We have had a hotter than AVERAGE summer, too; but again, average is the result of higher than and lower than events. People forget this.

    • Disillusioned says:

      Propaganda media and censors are always there to help people to forget… to keep people ignorant and irrationally scared.

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