Record CO2 Growth

After Biden/Harris wasted $369 billion of taxpayer money,  CO2 grew at a record rate in July.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Record CO2 Growth

  1. William says:

    “MY investments..” It’s not your money dumbass. “We..we..we..should have named it what it was.” Agree, call it a sizable chunk of the entire US GDP flushed down the toilet. They might as well have sent it to Ukraine so the politicians in the most corrupt government on the planet could stuff it in their pockets. But anyway after that massive green-is-the-new-red “investment” CO2 atmospheric concentrations have soared from utterly negligible to merely negligible and the “highly active” (NWS. It says that on their site every morning) Atlantic hurricane season continues. A couple of disorganized systems that might cause thunderstorms on the TX Gulf coast which is unprecedented, never happened before, ever. They might stick names on all of those thunderstorms so they can reach their quota of “named storms”. But here (Western MA) September, ordinarily a summer month, has been downright chilly; 60’s for highs, low 40’s at night. I’m already wearing long sleeve shirts. I wish some of CO2 would drift our way

  2. arn says:

    The most interesting thing may be where the money really went,
    as it is pretty hard to find that many skilled people in the first place
    to actually convert this money into hardware.

    Another interesting thing is :

    This video has only 820 views but 250+ likes and 80 comments.
    These are impossible ratios.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      There you are being analytical again. Don’t you know that is white supermacy?

      • Russell Cook says:

        Plus that Clima-Change™ is responsible for making “impossible ratios” the new normal.

      • arn says:

        I guess I have been spending too much time around white people – that’s what “ruined” me.

        But as a Mulatto (like Obama and Harris/just different race mix) and from muslim origin I’m so high up the opression ladder in this crazy woke world that I can neither be a supremacist nor racist nor homophobe – no matter how hard and obvious I try.
        And I tried a lot.

        On the other hand I know at least 2 muslim foodshops in where they use to call me Chef whenever I’m there.
        And when they say Chef they mean asshole.
        (That’s also what other muslim mean when they call me German.)
        As I’m a regular guy with Jeans and T shirt and no attitudes
        my guess is that just the fact that I use proper language and avoid stereotypes makes me kind of
        a white bronze supremacist – but only to them.

      • William says:

        I forget who said it – some “minority” college professor – but math is “inherently racist”. Intended to mean that many minority-types can’t do basic arithmetic. Because slavery

  3. czechlist says:

    and they call DJT a liar
    Trump’s exagerrations are harmless while the left ‘s lies create endless regulations, limit rights and drain the treasury

  4. Bob G says:

    Breaking news: President Joe Biden was just asked how he feels about the United States, under his watch, setting a new record high for plant beneficial gas and his response was “see, our plans are working! Bidennomics is a winner”!!! 🙂

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