Technology Advances

Technology is starting to catch up with Stanley Kubrick’s vision in 1968.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Technology Advances

  1. Scott Allen says:

    It’s a great day for Space X but really a sad day for NASA which has been funded since the 1950’s only to give up and resign itself to being an UBER passenger on other people rockets.
    A government agency that can’t even measure the earth temperature correctly….

    • arn says:

      From being able to fly to the moon 55 years ago
      to barely being able to leave the atmosphere now is
      a unique achievement only a bureaucracy, a very progressive one,
      can achieve.

      Maybe one should ask how a single person was able to outcompete such a Behemoth within only 2 decades.

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    I don’t know if Elon knows that he is doing it, but I believe the myopic view of American politicians have opened the door to the development of the Space Hansa, the control of the solar system by businesses, not government. At some point, Earth will be surrounded, much as Constantinople was, and the governments will have to do the bidding of the Space Hansa.

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