The Climate Afterlife

“Top Climate Scientist: Humans Will Go Extinct if We Don’t Fix Climate Change by 2023

A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.In a recent speech at the University of Chicago, James Anderson — a professor of atmospheric chemistry at Harvard University — warned that climate change is drastically pushing Earth back to the Eocene Epoch from 33 million BCE, when there was no ice on either pole. Anderson says current pollution levels have already catastrophically depleted atmospheric ozone levels, which absorb 98 percent of ultraviolet rays, to levels not seen in 12 million years.”

Top Climate Scientist: Humans Will Go Extinct if We Don’t Fix Climate Change by 2023

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to The Climate Afterlife

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    He clearly is a religionist, not a scientist. A scientist could never say such a thing in seriousness.

  2. Bob G says:

    notice they vouch for each other. a few paragraphs down you will see that the author of the story says that the scientist that makes the scary prediction is “likely accurate”. that’s like two guys robbing a bank. they each vouch for the other one that he didn’t do it. this post by Tony Heller reminds me of the 2006 Time magazine report on global warming where it stated on the front cover “be worried. be very worried”. 18 years later we’ve learned there was nothing to worry about, but that doesn’t make the news.,16641,20060403,00.html

  3. Bob G says:

    My mistake! a week ago I predicted that the crew of The Good sailboat Lumi would hold a press conference when they got to Greenland, where they would cry about the shrinking Arctic ice. turns out they didn’t wait till they got to Greenland. it’s in their Facebook post from a day or two ago where they report
    “we all know the polar bears are in danger because of climate change” leading to less arctic ice cover… blah blah blah. those fat bears seem to be doing just fine. does anyone give a care about those pooooor seals that the bears eat?

  4. D. Boss says:


    You forgot to attribute this catastrophe diarrhea with a date. It’s from Feb 2018 according to the link.

    And this pretend scientist, Anderson has the claim to fame of being the lead proponent of the Antarctic Ozone debacle. Which we all know is bull chips as the ozone hole over the S pole happens in the spring, after it’s been in the dark for 6 months… And O3 is generated by UV emitted from the sun. And upper winds there are isolated from much mixing with other portions of the atmosphere. So duh, it’s a natural phenomenon!

    Besides this glaring set of facts debunking the ozone hole, the argument was that the CFC’s break down into free chlorine, which destroys the O3. But a quick calc reveals that in the US alone, swimming pools emit an order of magnitude more free chlorine than all the world’s CFC’s did. (but it’s not the Chlorine dumba$$ it’s natural, and CFC’s are heavier than air, so to not migrate to the upper atmo)

    I came to this conclusion back in the 90’s when all this ozone hole nonsense was being propagated….

  5. If this is the kind of crap the ‘top’ climate scientists come out with, it doesn’t say much for the standard of the ordinary rank and file of the discipline.

  6. arn says:

    Thx god we didn’t fix climate change by 2023.

    Now it is too late for everything = no need to waste more money on climate change and idiots like him.
    Let’s enjoy the remaining few years.

    But I have some questions.
    I thought we fixed the Ozone problem by banning CFC’s decades ago.
    Or was it all a sham to generate more money for DuPont just as the vaccine was for Pfizer ( find out how much time DuPont heir spent in prison for raping his 3 year old daughter and son and you may see a pattern).

    And how comes that just a year before passing the point of no return our ‘ experts’
    found out that ” Ozone may be heating the planet more than we realize “.

    In this masterpiece from the Reading University Ozone was no longer the victim of pollution but a pollution itself.
    Yes – Ozone that is not above the pols(mostly peaceful) is a perpetrator( Jan6 Ozone).
    And for some reason this surface Ozone(just like atmospheric Ozone that is not located above the pols) is somehow immune to all the pollution whose surface quantities are magnitudes higher than at the poles where no pollution is being produced at an altitude of 10 miles .

    And this surface Ozone is massivly heating up the oceans right now – the same Oceans that are cooling right now.

    • Francis Barnett says:

      If you search for the patent expiry dates owned by DuPont of the various refrigerants from R12 onwards, you may find that the noise of alleged ozone hole depletion outrage reaches a peak just before the expiry of their patents.
      To which DuPont always seems to have an answer with the next generation of patented refrigerant.
      It’s got a lot to do with retaining your market share and nothing to do with ozone

      • arn says:

        I was a child when the Ozone hole scam was in full swing
        and already wondered how it comes that the CFC’s were doing the most damage in places where they are not released- and especially in the southern hemisphere, where the Ozone hole was the biggest and where CFC output was almost non existent as almost all country except of 2 were 2nd and 3rd world.

        It took me until 2010 when I stumbled upon DuPont – and everything made sense.

        CFC’s and DDT were kinda testruns for globally centralized rule
        and how to install it using a pretended crisis as backdoor and generate huge profits
        just as they use Wars,NATO,IMF etc in a similar way.

    • The issue of ozone depletion was heavily backed by the US aviation industry following the failure of the American supersonic transport project, that and their sudden unprecedented concern for aircraft noise, was all a PR campaign to kill off the Anglo-French Concorde.

      Ozone is created in the stratosphere by the interaction of UV with oxygen. It decomposes back to oxygen releasing the energy in the infra red giving a 2 degrees (Celsius) rise in tropopause temperature above what would be expected from a simple black body calculation. There isn’t much ozone over the poles for the simple reason that there isn’t much UV radiation there. CFCs and supersonic transports have nothing to do with it, quite apart from the fact that vertical transport of gases through the tropopause can only take place through the very slow process of diffusion, if at all, as both tropopause and stratosphere are characterized by an absence of circulation.

      This must have been the first well-funded corruption of atmospheric science. Since then, all manner of hysterical nonsense has been funded by vested interests taking up when the ozne hoax funding dried up. Nowadays, it is rotten to the core.

  7. czechlist says:

    if humans are not adaptable why didn’t the speciess go extinct long ago?
    are we not more sapient than our ancestors?

    • Disillusioned says:

      Good point.

      But, it seems at least half of the human population may be regressing. Global fascism has created a world chock full of ‘useless eaters’ – spoiled, dependent, overweight and sickly dullards hooked on drugs (prescribed and illicit), hooked on TV, video games and TicToc, who get their only news from the MSM and social media. This population cannot think for themselves and they don’t know the basics like rudimentary geography or even who is running for POTUS. They get their housing paid by Section 8, their food bought by the USDA SNAP Program and their self-worth from DEI and Democrats.

      Bill Gates has an answer for that. As does the MIC.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Absolutely. In fact, most animals will adapt to climate changes by survival of the fittest, but in communist doctrine there is no such thing as survival of the fittest, only survival of the collective.

      • arn says:

        Especially when most animal species were created outside of ice ages ,when the climate was way hotter than during interglacials.

        As my Italian uncle Dino Sour ues to say.

        We went extinct because of cooling.
        Warming was never a problem.

        And just a few days ago I went full arctic circle when I stumbled upon one of the oldest trees on earth.
        Old Tjikko – estimated 9000 years old;and growing way above tree line.
        In Norway close to the arctic.

        Which means that we have another indicator , besides Alaska and Russia(Wrangel Island) that the northern regions(and the rest of the planet) have been way warmer than they are now (and therefore ice free) a few thousand years ago.

    • Hard times create hard men who create good times. Good times create weak men who create hard times. The process is cyclic.

      The West is now seriously degenerate and run by buffoons, who know how to gain power, but not what to do with the power once they have acquired it. The so-called ‘elites’ are genetically inbred and deluded in their belief in their intrinsic superiority. Social mobility tends to correct for this, but between them DEI, nepotism and cronyism prevent fresh blood from entering the gene pool. The corruption which was once only prevalent in politics and commerce has now infected science itself, which for a technological society can only end in disaster. Mother Nature is not mocked.

    • roaddog says:

      For the life of me, I don’t know why there aren’t government-funded programs to teach everyone to swim.

      I so miss the Maldives.

  8. Bob G says:

    knock me over with a feather! Phoenix hit 100° 100 days in a row and the Washington Post story blames the urban heat island. Stunning that they told the truth. story ends with this: “According to Climate Central, a science communication nonprofit, Phoenix has one of the nation’s largest urban heat island effects, with urban areas at least 8 degrees warmer than their surroundings.” so it wasn’t my Yugo? 🙂

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