“the science is absolutely certain”

On June 25, 2009, John Kerry said the Arctic would be ice-free by 2014.

“You have sea ice which is melting at a rate that the Arctic Ocean now increasingly is exposed. In five years, scientists predict we will have the first ice-free Arctic summer”

His forecast didn’t do very well.

So in 2014 he announced that “the science” was absolutely certain.

“And let there be no doubt in anybody’s mind that the science is absolutely certain”

John Kerry  Feb 17, 2014

John Kerry says climate change is a weapon of mass destruction | Grist

Now Kerry says the First Amendment is an impediment to government controlling the flow of information.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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32 Responses to “the science is absolutely certain”

  1. arn says:

    When you have the same script writer as Al Gore
    you must be a climate expert.

  2. Bob G says:

    the problem is there’s no downside for fools like John Kerry to make outrageous predictions. he gets the press and if he’s wrong nobody cares. the guy belongs in prison for fraternizing with the enemy …starting with Vietnam and ending with Iran. He and Jane Fonda should have been a couple, but she wasn’t Rich enough to interest him. lol

  3. ‘scientists predict’ – name them. ‘Countless examples of evidence’ none of which withstand critical scrutiny. The temperature of the poles is determined by the heat conveyed from lower latitudes by atmospheric circulation and ocean currents, these depend essentially on the temperature gradient. Warming of the poles reduces that temperature gradient, reducing the heat flow. Somebody should tell Kerry that we are not living on the Moon.
    His catastrophe theory model was the one used to predict the onset of glaciation, where the ice expands to low latitudes where it does have a drastic effect on the albedo. Reducing the ice cover moves the system AWAY from the cusp of the catastrophe.

    • Why hasn’t he listed all the past forecasts of ‘significant climate doom’ that have come true?

      Answer: There is not a single one

      Feynman (and Einstein) said this: If any scientific hypothesis does not agree with experiment or with observation then it is WRONG. We (of my age) were all taught this in College in the sixties but oddly it doesn’t seem to be promoted these days. Instead, if a bizarre hypothesis make you money it must be right. That most certainly is not science.

  4. As comrade Lysenko declared; ‘the science is absolutely certain’

  5. Jehzsa says:

    He’s a regular Nostradamn us.

  6. Bill says:

    “…our first amendment stands as a major block to our ability to just hammer it [troublesome fact] out of existence.”

    The message is clear; if the Democrats win this fall, prepare for the hammer to fall.

    • The problem of controlling the media to perpetrate lies, is, as recognized by George Orwell, the story becomes internally inconsistent, and in time the lies become manifest, so history must also be revised to fit the current narrative. Truth is found by critical examination of the information supplied, and that is what the likes of Kerry fear most.

  7. Christopher Witzel says:

    I fed realclimatescience.com in to Googles Notebook LM AI Podcast generator and it didn’t summarize the website, rather it went off about how climate skepticism is dangerous and Tony’s website is built to be misleading. It’s so ridiculous and tells you how far off the rails these people are.

  8. conrad ziefle says:

    This summer has been hotter, for us, than most. I don’t know if it is as hot as the worst one in the late 1980s. This is all qualitative on my part, as I have done no math to get a real handle on it, and I’m too lazy to retrieve the numbers using Tony’s program. BUT even if this year is the absolute hottest ever recorded, it means nothing. Climate is not about one year, nor one decade, nor a half century. As far as we know, those short periods are just random walk around a mean of a much cooler pattern. However, a decade, or half century, can disrupt and even destroy a society that depends on pushing its land to the margin of its utility. Just because it is damaging does not make it climate change. It is pretty much the fate of societies who have built on the margins of productive land to collapse or suffer in severe random walk events. Good governance can be measured, at least in part, by the ability to rebound from these events.

    • Bob G says:

      here in the upper Midwest I would call our summer warm but it certainly wasn’t hot. our highs weren’t that high but our lows weren’t that low. we don’t experience super hot weather anymore. Minnesota’s high temperature record is 114. that kind of heat is unheard of for the past few decades. it’s unusual to hit 100 and this year like most years we didn’t hit 100 – not where I live and not in the twin cities.

      • On my side of the pond (the UK) the summer has been practically non-existent.

        • Bob G says:

          Gordon reports cold in the UK. Bob reports warm in Nevada. conclusion: the planet is getting the same amount of solar energy as always so if it’s a little warmer over there somewhere, it’s going to be a little colder someplace else. yes, climate can change but it hasn’t for the last 130 years. you want to see real climate change look at lake Michigan. it’s elevation was 200 ft lower 6,000 years ago. look at Minnesota, 15,000 years ago it had several thousand feet of ice on top of what’s now prime farmland. compared to those two periods our current climate is ideal!!!

  9. William says:

    “People can just go to any source they want for information.” That’s a real problem for globalist scum like Kerry. He lives the good life only because he married a ketchup heiress, he’s never contributed a thing in his pointless life. There must be only one source of information, The Party. Sites that purvey “disinformation”, intended to mean truth, must be “hammered out of existence”. Sites like, say, Real Climate Science. I expect the hammering to commence in short order

    • ‘disinformation’ has become an issue because independent information sources exposed the power grab behind the Covid fiasco, and indeed behind the climate hoax. The powers that shouldn’t be must have full control of the information available to the masses for their psychotic dreams to come true. Despite the best efforts of the education system, the masses are not completely stupid, after all, they cope with the BS of the advertising industry daily.

  10. Peter Carroll says:

    Shopping at Woolworths in Western Australia yesterday, I came across the answer to the “Climate Crisis”. The panacea for all Michael Mann’s woes. Believe it or not!

    • Bob G says:

      I’m sure the pig felt better knowing that it wasn’t contributing to runaway climate change… right before being slaughtered.

    • William says:

      You still have Woolworths? Lucky you. I do miss it, one could purchase anything there, from turtles to model airplane glue to clothespins. In their stead we have Dollar Generals popping up like mushrooms. To be fair they sell most everything.. but not Carbon Neutral Sausages. So your comment has inspired me as a compliant Global Citizen to organize a boycott of DG. To Save The Planet from carbon-intensive sausages. And plastic grocery bags too although they are already banned in my Climate Friendly town. I ran this idea by Greta and she’s on board

    • conrad ziefle says:

      The whole fusking thing is a scam that increases the costs of production everywhere, EXCEPT in China. One of the things I hope Trump does, God willing that he manage to get elected and live, is change the whole government grant system, and commission some fact check on the whole CO2, greenhouse gas impact. Then force NPR to grant equal time to conservative programming, to be decided not by them, but by a Republican caucus.

      • conrad ziefle says:

        Oh, did I hear right? The Netherlands just elected a nationalist Prime Minister!!! Let’s hope they hold their guns against the globalists who will try to destroy him. Like the globalists who destroyed the UK PM lady, within weeks of her rule.

  11. Terry Shipman says:

    I had a very good laugh this morning as I read today’s Arkansas Democrat Gazette. At the bottom of the Style section, page one, was the headline of an Article:

    “Drag queen aims to give climate a makeover”

    In this article from the Associated Press were a couple of sub-headings:

    “High heels go viral”
    “Arts and climate”

    I needn’t relate to you what the article said. You can figure it out. Looking at the picture of he, she or it, I decided that this “person” was a perfect symbol for climate alarmists.

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