CBS News Defines Free Speech

CBS News says the problem with NAZI Germany was free speech.

(28) JD Vance on X: “This is a crazy exchange. Does the media really think the holocaust was caused by free speech?” / X

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to CBS News Defines Free Speech

  1. Bob G says:

    I’m aware of this little controversy and you can’t blame the TV hostess Brennen… because that’s what she was taught in school. public school/college no doubt. I’m 66 years old and what I was taught when I was a tot in grade school was that we’re running out of topsoil and we’re all going to starve. who would have thought 55 years later that obesity would be one of our biggest problems. lol

  2. Robertvd says:

    As far as I know it is only the Left that weaponized speech and the Nazis are a Left wing party. Hitler was a Socialist.

  3. Robertvd says:

    How does Britain now defines Free Speech. Who is in power in Britain?

    • Francis Barnett says:

      “Robertvd says:
      February 17, 2025 at 9:59 am
      How does Britain now defines Free Speech. Who is in power in Britain?”

      Mostly lawyers, they seem to be governing according to the European Convention on Human Rights – that’s the rights of everybody who isn’t a british citizen.

  4. arn says:

    That’s why 99 % of all Holocausts and Pogroms happened in the USA, I guess.

    But to understand why the CIA has to go this far with their proxies we need to go to the very top of White House puppetry.

    ” We are in a information War.And we are losing this war”

    Hilary Clinton

    “The first amendment is a major block to combating missinformation(and fighting climate change )”

    John Kerry

    “It is our job to tell people what to think ”

    Mika Brzezinsky

  5. Luigi says:

    Robert Habeck, the still German minster for economy and climate politics (Green party), has reported to the police more than 700 people for hate speech.
    The last case concerned 74-year old pensioner Doris van Geul (you’ll find her story if you google), who wrote the following comment under one journal article, Habeck himself had written.
    She wrote : “We need skilled workers and not asylum seekers who just want to make a nice life here without respecting our values ??and culture. Send those who are here to work. We don’t depend on slackers and freeloaders and certainly not on knife artists and rapists”.

    In fact in Germany the number of rapes and of people injured or killed using knives has skyrocketed during the last years, since the waves of “refugees” reached the country.

    So the woman had nothing against foreigners or immigrants in general but against those (too many) who exploit the German system, get money for nothing and are not expelled because German asylum law does not allow it.

    Therefore a law against hate speech can be very easily misused to suppress freedom of speech and opinion or to hide reality.
    In Germany people are afraid of talkig about any sensitive topic.
    If you say just “I am against wild immigration” you can find you later with a huge fee or even in jail.

    you cannot say that the number of immigrant are a real problem, because in all these violent acts the perpetrator is considered a “singe case”.
    but the problem is that the percentage of potentially dangerous people is so high in Germany that one could easily say “there is 1 million single cases” 🙂

    That’s why at this point it is better to tolerate any opinion than to suppress any opinion but not the official one of the government.

    The German parties that say are “fighting the nazis” and see nazis everywhere in Germany are nothing else than the real nazis. Eventually the original nazis in the 1930-40 saw “rats” at every corner and in every basement…

    • arn says:

      Islam doing Islam things.
      And now they reached such huge numbers that it can no longer be hidden what they do (and the massive totalitarian censorship laws Digital Services Act is there to protect their enrichment)
      And Habeck does what ALL European politicians with EUROPEAN values do- selling out their own people and protecting invading child rapers.

      “Funny” fact.

      Whenever there is a massive muslim attack,
      the next day mass protest starts in Germany :
      Against right wing and hate.

      • Luigi says:

        indeed: the husband of one of the victims of the last attack in Munich said he does not want his wife’s death to be exploited to generate hate against immigration. Because the woman always engaged for tolerance”.

        Here the link to the article (in German):

        We wondered at home if he has got money from some public sources to state that. I think these people get a huge amount of money because every time there is always the same statement.

        • arn says:

          Of course these people get money. (though some are just genuine useful idiots and would extinct themselves for the sake of tolerance signalling)
          Just as the protesters.

          They have playbooks for such scenarios (just as they have for color revolutions) and people who were trained to BS the relatives.
          Husband would not mind it being exploited if she’d been killed by Nazis- as long as those ain’t from Ukraine.

          I remember a Sandy Hooks father was all smiles and laughing with other until the second he went to the microphone and turned instantly sad.
          That’s trained behavior.

          Keep in mind that Sri Lankan journalists got 80 mio USAIDjust for the use of gender neutral language.
          Be sure that Soros&friends have higher budgets for this kind of stuff.

    • Robertvd says:

      Nazis were/are Big Government so they are far Left. Hitler has always been on the Karl Marx side.
      In the same way Fascism is a communist movement.

  6. Luigi says:

    And sorry if I add that, but this makes me really angry.
    This typical twisting the facts which we are seeing in this case is the most slimy, sneaky, dirty behaviour worth of the worst people, of people who have no conscience and that would walk on cadavers just to reach their goal.

    The problem of Germany was not free speech during the Weihmarer Republic, but the absolute destruction of any free speech and opposition during Nazism.

    How can one person like that journalist lower herself that much!

  7. Dan A Sinema says:

    I wonder if she was actually listening to the words coming out of her mouth?

  8. I’m not sure whether verbal diarrhea is an affliction or an acquired skill.

    • Disillusioned says:

      Or, an acquired affliction. At any rate, the few times I have had the misfortune to watch that woman open her mouth, that is exactly what gushed forth.

    • arn says:

      100% aquired.
      You haven’t seen that kind of idiocy back in the day.
      Just as there was no politician in the preObama era who did not know what a woman is – and even tim waltz knew that boys don’t need Tampons.

      There is no system within incompetence and stupidy.
      And such people would do stupid things that violate the Agenda = they will lose their job very fast.
      But these “Idiots” know alway 3 things:
      How to keep their job(=awareness)
      how to kiss the right butts(which are usually the left ones)
      and how to alwass make up somehow nazi-associations
      as she did here.

      Keep in mind that Rinos also behave that way.
      It is a system.
      Not a coincidence that always rewards,against all odds,
      the most “stupid” and antidarwinistic behavour.

  9. Bob G says:

    I must be off my game. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier. Ms Margaret Brennan is actually the solution to a couple other posts by Mr Tony Heller. any drop in ice cover on the Great lakes could quickly be solved by having Margaret Brenner put on a swimsuit and take little dip in the Great lakes. Margaret’s obviously a first class ice queen and her presence will quickly freeze the remaining open water. lol. she reminds me of my ex-wife. Brrrrrr

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