Another Climate Migration

USA Today says global warming is going to force mass migrations away from the Gulf of America.

“Where are the winners and losers of the coming great climate migration?”

Climate could force massive losses in property value amid migrations

In 1913, Arrhenius said there would be mass migrations to Siberia to take advantage of global warming.

The Pueblo Leader – Google News Archive Search

In 2004 we had to flee to Antarctica to escape global warming.

Why Antarctica will soon be the only place to live – literally

Climate change study predicts refugees fleeing into Antarctica – Telegraph

In 1974, scientists wanted to relocate millions of people because of global cooling.

Lakeland Ledger – Google News Archive Search


Meanwhile back in the real world, the fastest growing regions of the US are the warmest and most hurricane prone.

Migration Drives Highest Population Growth in Decades

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Another Climate Migration

  1. Greg in NZ says:

    Back in 1974 MIT’s Prof of Meteorology, Jule Charney, noted weather prophets were “practicing necromancy” – communing with the dead, sorcery, witchcraft – 51 years later and the statement still holds true.

    ‘Charlatan’ is another appropriate word: flaunter of sham learning, imposter, a quack. Funny how some things never change… yet the money is apparently good, despite half a century’s failure to get ANYTHING correct.

  2. Conrad Ziefle says:

    Wow, at a casino they would already be bankrupt with all their doubling, tripling, etc down on their poorly advised theory. Maybe taxpayer money is funding them through USAID?

  3. Bob G says:

    I just took a quick look at Tony Heller’s latest posts and this one is the only one I can add something to. how many of us have ever heard of an island called Roatan? not me till a couple years ago when a buddy of mine and his wife started spending a week there, every winter. My buddy just recently bought a condo on the island of Roetan for 145k. what a brave since the global warming fanatics claim all the worlds islands are going to be underwater soon. my buddy paid a whopping $145k for his condo on Roatan. FYI Roatan is an island belonging to Honduras, in the Caribbean Sea, and at a latitude of 16 degrees. here’s the 10-day forecast for the weather at Roatan. … highs every day of 80, Lows every day of 75. seems pretty pleasant to me. and don’t you find the real estate their kind of expensive? if the world is burning up, wouldn’t you think it’d be burning up at the equator first and real estate would be sold at Fire sale prices …places like Roatan? apparently not. meanwhile in South Central Minnesota we just got another 3 in of snow and temperatures in the next few days are going to be Sub-Zero.

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