“Anti-science conservatives must be stopped
Americans must not allow global warming deniers to block the policies needed to avert catastrophic climate change. Our future is at stake.”
Anti-science conservatives must be stopped – Global warming – Salon.com
The largest cash crop in the United States is corn. so what do you need to grow corn? definitely heat. corn does not like cold. just wondering …is a hot humid summer caused by coal consumption or growing corn? apparently it’s corn. https://www.npr.org/2024/09/03/nx-s1-5094251/corn-sweat-is-real-and-its-made-extreme-heat-in-the-midwest-even-more-uncomfortable
in my backyard, St Cloud Minnesota, set an all-time warmest year record in 2024. we beat the old record by a couple of tenths roughly. I’m writing tonight as a survivor of the hottest year ever in St Cloud Minnesota. lol. we have excellent records here going back to the 1880s. I’ve been email friends for 20 years with the head meteorologist prof at the University here, Bob Weisman, now retired. I call him friend. he calls me thorn in his side. lol. anyway I’m just giving him credit because his ultimate climate page is where I get a lot of my info. oh the horror, 2024 in St Cloud Minnesota was the warmest year ever on record. why was that? I don’t know. what I do know is nothing extreme happened in 2024 except the lack of snow cover in the winter months. almost every month was above average in temp. but extreme temps? sorry but no. our highest temperature last year was 94. the record high temperature for St Cloud is 107. Many 100 temperatures have been recorded here but almost all in the 1930s. I’m barely a high school graduate but I think extreme heat would be categorized as 107, and 94 not so much. just my thinking. I must be missing something? lol. (Give me a $5 million government contract to study and claim that 94° is excessive and frankly, uuummm… it’s a deal!!! lol)
I always ask: If this was the hottest year on record, then by how much? And: When was the previous hottest year? If the first answer in minimally and the second answer is 30-50- or 70 years, then I say cyclic.
Record grain harvests in 2 of the biggest countries – China and Brazil – have been reported.
Record harvest in Russia all over the place(despite sanctions and ( official ) tanking of their economy and a war).
Record potatoe harvests.
Record fruit harvest in Chile.
Record Wheat Harvest in Zimbabwe.
Record Soy Harvest in wartorn Ukraine and Illinois.
Even heavily Newscummed California has a record cannabis and olive harvest :).
Seems this warming ain’t that bad
as harvests set more Records than warming ever will, without a need to adjust the numbers.
I expect that trend to go on outside of sabotaged(western) countries.
Did not Western Civilization flourish during the Medieval Warm Period? An increase in CO2, however marginal, helps as well; plants love it. About one third of humanity is under sanction by the US. Sanctions on Russia had little effect. We don’t import much from Russia. There are bigger and better markets for them anyway. Western Europe will crash and freeze without Russian gas. Germany, once a powerhouse, is collapsing. BRICS+ is replacing The Hegemon. Even Trump is beginning to realize this
in the case of St Cloud Minnesota the second hottest year after 2024 was 1931.
Where in the Constitution does it say the Feds can ‘regulate carbon dioxide?’
They have no such authority.
The regulate co2 is all about undermining and bypassing constitutions all around the world.
Ceding sovereignties is the common denominator in terms of digital currencies,covid,co2 and whatever comes next.
Whatever comes next.. “Scientists say” a “super-mutated novel and potentially deadly variant” of The Covid..Kangaroo Flu. Or maybe Pangolin Pox. The People will lap it up and comply with orders to Be Afraid. The only solution is to nullify the constitution and impose totalitarian measures that are already in place
” This is why god gave us 2 arms.
One for the flu shot
and the other one for the Covid shot”
Bidens DEI Covid Lockdown Crim…Advisor Ashish Jha.
“The world could face a new Pandemic.Disease X will be 20 * worse than Covid ”
This WHO comment at 2024s WEF meeting
is brought to you by Pfizer.
Btw – the Chinese benefited in the same way during the GLOBAL Medieval Warm Period.
Both population numbers went massively up since the start of the MWP and suffered a significant drop after the end,
following the Anti-Science logic that
more energy in the atmosphere results in more energy as food.
All these points from those Anti-science conservatives ( except maybe for the air carrier one) are valid,
While the science team is only known for failed predictions.
I don’t disagree with the idea of human caused climate change. Certainly, we see it in microclimates. Indeed, the entire Midwest was once the Great American Desert. Now it is the bread basket of the world. Such a change must have had some effect on the climate, at least in the region. Is that bad? Essentially, we have learned how to make our environment more productive for us when it was rigged against us when we first came down out of the trees. Now very few people die of thirst. Very few people starve to death. Very few people are eaten by leopards and lions. Very few people are trampled by elephants, hippos, and bison. If someone thinks that is bad, then I suggest that they move to a pristine natural environment, like Mars, or the Moon.
Conrad did u mean to say The Great Plains not desert? The plains certainly aren’t a desert and were grasslands prior to settlement
true. the Great plaines were a grassland. I think the mix-up is different names for different areas. is the Midwest the same as North Central? yes but not really. state of Ohio is considered Midwest but it does not have the same climate as Western Kansas, which is also the Midwest in some people’s books
Well I could be wrong, but I believe that the Great American Desert was, in reference to Nebraska, Oklahoma, Kansas, and thereabouts. Take a look at the photos of Solomon Butcher and decide whether Nebraska was a lush grassland before the farmers started managing it. The land looks pretty dared desolate in those early photos (1. In either case, the result was the same, that is, the land became more productive when managed.
From 2008.
Sounds like it could be contemporary.
Alas, we had three solidly republican senators, back then, in Arizona, Georgia and Colorado. Indoctrination and election theft have poisoned the nation.
Anti-conservative scientists must be stopped! In my experience most of the quotes they are claiming as lies in the article above are actually statements of Fact and there is also no catastrophic climate change occuring.