“Anti-science conservatives must be stopped”

“Anti-science conservatives must be stopped
Americans must not allow global warming deniers to block the policies needed to avert catastrophic climate change. Our future is at stake.”

Anti-science conservatives must be stopped – Global warming – Salon.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to “Anti-science conservatives must be stopped”

  1. Bob G says:

    The largest cash crop in the United States is corn. so what do you need to grow corn? definitely heat. corn does not like cold. just wondering …is a hot humid summer caused by coal consumption or growing corn? apparently it’s corn. https://www.npr.org/2024/09/03/nx-s1-5094251/corn-sweat-is-real-and-its-made-extreme-heat-in-the-midwest-even-more-uncomfortable

  2. Bob G says:

    in my backyard, St Cloud Minnesota, set an all-time warmest year record in 2024. we beat the old record by a couple of tenths roughly. I’m writing tonight as a survivor of the hottest year ever in St Cloud Minnesota. lol. we have excellent records here going back to the 1880s. I’ve been email friends for 20 years with the head meteorologist prof at the University here, Bob Weisman, now retired. I call him friend. he calls me thorn in his side. lol. anyway I’m just giving him credit because his ultimate climate page is where I get a lot of my info. oh the horror, 2024 in St Cloud Minnesota was the warmest year ever on record. why was that? I don’t know. what I do know is nothing extreme happened in 2024 except the lack of snow cover in the winter months. almost every month was above average in temp. but extreme temps? sorry but no. our highest temperature last year was 94. the record high temperature for St Cloud is 107. Many 100 temperatures have been recorded here but almost all in the 1930s. I’m barely a high school graduate but I think extreme heat would be categorized as 107, and 94 not so much. just my thinking. I must be missing something? lol. (Give me a $5 million government contract to study and claim that 94° is excessive and frankly, uuummm… it’s a deal!!! lol)

  3. Gamecock says:

    Where in the Constitution does it say the Feds can ‘regulate carbon dioxide?’

    They have no such authority.

    • arn says:

      The regulate co2 is all about undermining and bypassing constitutions all around the world.

      Ceding sovereignties is the common denominator in terms of digital currencies,covid,co2 and whatever comes next.

  4. arn says:

    All these points from those Anti-science conservatives ( except maybe for the air carrier one) are valid,
    While the science team is only known for failed predictions.

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