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speaking of 90° days, St Cloud Minnesota temperature records go back prior to 1900. the fellow who records the temperatures does a nice job of listing things like how many hundred degree days we’ve had each year, how many days above 90 each year etc. for the heck of it I thought I’ll divide length of time in two which gives us about 65 years. I quickly added up the ’90s by year, in my head and I did round numbers a little bit to speed it up, and the first 65 years, roughly before 1960, St Cloud had roughly 850 days over 90. then I counted up the most recent 65 years which we are told are so ungodly hot and there was just over 600. quite a large difference I would say. Summers have obviously gotten cooler. I presented this information to a liberal Trump hating newspaper columnist, who will remain nameless and in the next post I will copy and paste his reply to me. it’s quite a hoot and it does show how difficult it is to deal with certain individuals who pretend to be rational but are really just gullible spreaders of propaganda… in my humble opinion.
The following is the opinion of a MN Trump hating newspaper columnist: “As for for climate, what I do KNOW is that climate experts throughout the world even in the Communist Tyrannies KNOW that climate change is a FACT, not a speculation. I have read studies about ancient tree-ring sizes compared to now and ice-bore core results, and they all point to drastic climate changes. I will continue to trust climate scientists rather than right-wing Trumpster idiots who spiel the constant refrain that everything they don’t like, man-made climate-change for example, is a HOAX. (Bs!) The glaciers are melting, the oceans are rising, widespread droughts, massive fires, unprecedented catastrophes caused by hurricanes, the constant cutting down of zillions of trees (which when LIVING turn CO2 into Oxygen). It all spells eventually the destruction of our world, sooner than later! …..The Climate Hoax (poo) started because right-wingers and billionaire oil creeps are convinced that Commie Regimes want everyone to believe that switching to “green” energy alternatives by the U.S.A. and other “free” countries will cause those countries to decline and fail economically because of our “green” policies. It’s all not just paranoiac fear mongering bs, but it’s a clarion call from the oil-and-gas millionaires and billionaires to do whatever they (freaking) want and damn the environmental consequences. They stupidly believe that if worse comes to worse, climate-wise, they can go retreat into their protective hideaways as the rest of us starve, rot and die.” end paste. it’s not an exact quote, I cleaned it up a little bit. lol. this fellow has a column in a Minnesota newspaper once or twice a month. this is what our community has to endure. Uffta. thankfully only about half his columns are political. but there you have it, the end of the world is just around the corner, according to this fellow and he predicts the Trump years are going to be bad. He can’t be reasoned with. I’ve tried, by email, and failed. lol
The studies he read about “ancient tree rings” –
were they from those old trees in the arctic that used to grow 5000 years ago but no longer do because – too cold.
And where exactly are sea levels rising in any different way than they did during the last 500 years?
And why do those communist dictatorships(California?)
who believe so much in global warming
built thousands of new coal power plants?
But it is funny that a climatophob paranoid fearmongering bullshiter
call others paranoid fearmongerers.
Unlike for example,Nobel Laureate Dr John Clauser, the alarmist idiot understands neither the fundamental physics nor the standard of ‘climate science’, which Clauser describes as ‘appalling’. ‘Right wing Trumpster idiots’ apparently include Prof Richard Lindzen(MIT), Prof William Happer (Princeton), the late great Freeman Dyson,Nobel Laureate Kari Mullis, the father of the hydrogen bomb; Edward Teller, Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever, and many others. What have the protagonists of the nonsense got to offer? Michael Mann. What a joke!
This fellow is a professional writer. He admires writing flair and hyperbole. Facts mean nothing to him, they just bore him. when I cite data and facts to him, it’s in one ear and out the other he totally ignores it. you read his doom and gloom. crop yields are rising faster than CO2 but he and his ilk only see Doom
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