Hillary to win by double digits “as Donald Trump’s poll numbers collapse”
Hillary Clinton opens up double-digit lead as Donald Trump’s poll numbers collapse | The Week
Hillary to win by double digits “as Donald Trump’s poll numbers collapse”
Hillary Clinton opens up double-digit lead as Donald Trump’s poll numbers collapse | The Week
Hillary Clinton and Kommyla Harris, unfortunately for us, have nothing in common with the great Margaret Thatcher. women can lead if they have the brains of somebody like Margaret Thatcher. just my opinion but I think Hillary’s crooked as hell and Kommyla has to be one of the dumbest to ever run for president. tied with Joe Biden. but at least Joe knew how to enrich his family… at the expense of the rest of the American people
I have often wondered how Camela made it through law school and passed the bar. Is she one of those who can perform academically but have little practical sense? Or is she just butt stupid and got a pass through?
As I recall In 2020 biden had opened up a 16 point lead two weeks before the election, at least in one poll. This was apparently due to his broad appeal to voters as he occasionally popped his empty head out of his basement to stammer and stutter and babble word salad. What put him over the top however was his promise to shut down the country again to “fix the virus”. And raise taxes along the way. A winning combination and 81 million “ballots” later Joey was installed as a brain dead snarling farting girl-sniffing placeholder. The miracle of Our Democracy. Now Trump 2.0 is back in after his trip to obedience school, elected with the exact same number of votes he received in 2020. In case anyone hasn’t noticed, US “elections” have become a 10th rate and very poorly scripted B movie
By todays standards Hilary would have won the 2024 election by 2 landslides as she was the only democrat since Obama who actually reached the 60 mio votes
before adjustment.
Of course she never reached the official 65 mio as Obama did,
as she was never close to his Hype and lost many votes by betraying Bernie.
But she had female votes and the first chick to run for president Momentum.
Biden had nothing but Dementia yet he started suddenly beating Sanders during the primaries, because all votes from candidates who dropped out went somehow to him – including the 0 votes Kamala got before she dropped out.
Sadly for her the democracy protection team was only able to fudge about 5 million votes at that time as they were caught off guard.
But by today standards Hilary would have won with 85+ mio votes.
And it is of course interesting that Trump got an identical number of votes.
Considering that he got a massive increase in Black,Latino,Anti-Trans,Anti DEI/ESG/GND and pro economy votes – but those never appeared in Election results.
But if this is part of a script and not a Cap no wrong candidate is allowed to pass:
Why does the deep state allows so much destructive exposure of its power structure that started with the obvious weaponization of the justice system,intelligence including showing everyone the level of power,corruption and control.
A very tight system that neither allowed MSM nor Big Tech to deviate a bit from the official narrative for years.
Yet a single person is allowed to deal massive blows.
Controlled opposition doesn’t do that.
The telecommunication act,USAID covert ops and revolution,Paris accords,Operation Mockingbird – all gone,exposed or diminished.
Decades of planning,deceiving,stealing – all gone or exposed.
Bernie “anti establishment Superhero” Sanders hasn’t had in 50 years done 1% of the damage to the Status Quo than Trump did in his 24 hours.
But maybe William has a good explanation for this.
Is the pollster still alive?
Obviously, the 15 million that voted for Biden is 2020 were being held in concentration camps like in 2016 like in 2024.
As Rush opined – polls are used to influence and are only accurate at the last moments when credibility ($$$ future funding) matters.
I don’t agree with the all too common statement that “Americans are smart” but Lincoln nailed it with “you can fool some of the people all of the time”. Sadly, many are my kinfolk.
we dodged a BIG BULLET with HRC losing in 2016- had she won WH we would be FULL ON Saul Alinsky full blown SOCIALISM by now – i mean Venezuela or worse Police state run by Democrats
You didn’t dodge a bullet but a nuclear bomb.
And the rest of the world too.
As the number of interventions and sponsored color revolutions would have skyrocketed under Kamala.
The USA wouldn’t have become another Venezuela.
Venezuela does not have millions of illegals, a trans-pedo agenda,DEI.ESG and a Green New Deal destroying its energy infrastructure.
Venezuela would have looked like a capitalistic stronghold compared to the USA.