Imaginary Cold And Snow

National Geographic says you are burning up, and that all the cold and snow is just your imagination.

2024 was the hottest year ever—but it might be the coldest year of the rest of your life

Accumulated Snowfall (GFS 10-dayforecast)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Imaginary Cold And Snow

  1. Bob G says:

    Yes we’re burning up. Take a look at that temperature for Central Mexico. it’s 56°. how can they take that kind of heat? they must be superhuman to survive that. lol

  2. czechlist says:

    natgeo temperature semantics.
    Gee, if we are facing some existential threat then why must I subscribe to a magazine to learn about it?

  3. arn says:

    Here a little bit about the science of pandemics.
    The frist 3.5 minutes tell everything.

    And how it was possible for experts to switch so easily from ice age scare to AGW

    Here a short video about global wildfires satellite data and its decline during global warming

    And just in case americans want to know where their taxpayer money is going to.

    If they pay 8 million to Sri Lankan journalists(5:10) to avoid
    binary language.
    How many billions have they paid to journalists world wide to push the real
    important agenda stuff like covid,agw etc

  4. Mike says:

    Wow now that is true 1984 DOUBLEPLUSSPEEK.
    Soon we will NOT be at war Eastasia.
    How Stoopid are Humans? Don’t answer that please.

  5. William says:

    The world may be experiencing record heat but not here. I don’t believe it got above freezing even once in January which has allowed snow to accumulate and secondary roads remain unplowed. Just the other day I got stuck in a Subtle Mind Trick. Fortunately I drive a stick and I was able to rock my way free. My takeaway – A manual transmission beats a subtle mind trick every time

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