Melting Greenland Update

NASA says Greenland ice is disappearing, and they also say they found a 1959 military base buried under 100 feet of new ice.

NASA accidentally uncovers Cold War base beneath ice in Greenland – The Jerusalem Post

NASA Study: More Greenland Ice Lost Than Previously Estimated | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Melting Greenland Update

  1. Gamecock says:


    The rate of sea level rise is unchanged in a hundred years. NASA is proving melting (sic) of Greenland ice doesn’t matter.

    (Melting is just one way ice is reduced. Evaporation is another significant way. NASA isn’t very smart.)

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    It would be nice to get people without a political bent in charge of NASA and NOAA, then we could start believing what they say. Right now, it could be true, but they can’t be trusted, so they are worthless.

  3. DD More says:

    please see

    About half way down the data is :
    2. Accumulation rate in central Greenland

    Column 1: Age (thousand years before present)
    Column 2: Accumulation rate (m. ice/year)

    Age Accumulation
    1st 0.144043 0.244106
    last 2
    48.9746 0.091739
    49.0034 0.091599
    So 49,000 years and there are no negative numbers for Accumulation. Or every time period has increased volume. On the summit, Greenland over the last 49,000 years has only gained ice.

  4. Allan Shelton says:

    Hopefully Trump will drain NASA swamp creatures.

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