Saving The World From Fossil Fuels

Naomi Oreskes is going to fly half way around the world to save the planet from fossil fuels.

Kumi Naidoo & Mike Rann – Connect with UniSA – University of South Australia

Hopefully she will fly in a solar powered aircraft.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Saving The World From Fossil Fuels

  1. Mike says:

    Without OIL she would be without that aircraft, the oil in the crankcase, the fuel in the Fuel tank, no plastic for certain parts AND her cell phone…oh her makeup, medicines, food she eats, clothes she wears…hell her while Life. And if she crashes she will love the Diesel fueled chopper to save her ass. Good luck FOOL!

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    Does she want to replace the biosphere with one not based on carbon? Do we know for sure that she isn’t some non-carbon life form?

    • Bob G says:

      Dear Conrad, thanks for the reminder. time to watch some Star Trek tonight on Pluto TV for free. lol. FYI, the Star Trek episode guest starring Joan Collins has yet to be topped….. the visionary Gene Roddenberry foresaw potential enemies from distant civilizations. it never occurred to him that a sea level rise of 2 inches every 100 years would wipe out mankind. lol

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