The Last Refuge

“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”

– Samuel Johnson

(2) Liz Cheney on X: “Damn right, @Elon. I’m proud of what America did to win the Cold War, defeat Soviet communism, and defend democracy. Our nation stood for freedom. You may be unfamiliar with that part of our history since you weren’t yet an American citizen.” / X

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to The Last Refuge

  1. The bad actors likened J6 to Pearl Harbour, when in reality it was much closer to the Petersfield or Amritsar massacres or the violent suppression of Father Gapon’s petition to the Czar. Rather than bullets, corrupt lawfare was used to achieve the same end; to intimidate political opposition. Perhaps now is a good time to invest in hemp rope manufacturers.It appears we might need a lot of their product.

  2. William says:

    We should thank Lizard for clarifying that “we” “stood for freedom”. Past tense. Freedom meant getting locked up in federal prison for “peacefully and patriotically” opposing the blatant and embarrassingly obvious theft of an election, with said opposition being hijacked by about 200 Bolshevik agents provocateur and FBI operatives who broke a few windows and took selfies, presented by the putrid media as The Civil War. AOC pronounced herself “terrified” although she wasn’t even there, she had a nail appointment. Now Trump who just last year was being mercilessly hounded by faux indictments is back and rehabilitated; he’s seen the light. The Trumpists have come to the belated realization that we now live in a multi-polar world. Even Little “Foam Boy” Marco stated as much. The Western Hemisphere is “our” patch and no dissent will be permitted, either from sovereign nations or individual citizens. The New Improved Freedom means that opposition to genocide is reframed as “antisemitism” and those expressing it risk deportation. I ought to get my deportation application in now and beat the rush as I lack the resources to emigrate. Let it be Russia please

    • Disillusioned says:

      “Foam Boy” I was greatly disappointed when Trump picked the controlled neocon. Giant non sequitur. He is and has been working for the MIC, and I doubt he will ever work for the American people.

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