Five years ago, Boris Johnson said the UK can be the Saudi Arabia of wind power.
UK can be ‘Saudi Arabia of wind power’ – PM
The wind isn’t blowing in the UK, and wind power is producing only 5% of their electricity.
GB Fuel type power generation production
His wife’s father founded the Independent newspaper, which announced the end of snow 25 years ago.
Carrie Johnson: Who is Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s wife?
Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – Environment – The Independent
Sixteen years ago, Boris Johnson claimed he rescued climate propagandist Franny Armstrong from mean girls.
Boris Johnson saves filmmaker Franny Armstrong from attack | Boris Johnson | The Guardian
Franny made a movie depicting a schoolteacher executing skeptical schoolchildren.
Considering that democracy is no longer existent,
that the law is in favor of islam and against Christians,
that people get imprisoned for tweets and offending islam.
Uk is kinda Saudi Arabia.
Without the oil and Mass rapes of Phillipino Nannies(so much that it was outlawed for Phillipino women to work in Saudi Arabia until CiA and USAID installed Marcos)
but with poverty and child rapes instead.
Prophetic words from Boris (may poos be upon him)
Gas is producing 52% of their electricity now (chart above). The government says it will be 5% (!) in 2030 (below). Government will fail, or hundreds of thousands of Brits will die. Not a good way to arrange the bet. “If we win, you die.”
‘Following independent advice from the National Energy System Operator (NESO), the government is aiming for clean power to meet 100% of electricity demand by 2030, with at least 95% of electricity generation coming from low-carbon sources and no more than 5% from unabated gas.’
what we know about Boris’s wife is she’s blind as a bat. lol. similar to the young lady who’s currently dating former NFL coach Bill Belichick. Daddy issues? lol. (I’m an honest guy and I stole that joke from Fox’s Jimmy Failon… too funny! )
Giving women the right to vote was… in hindsight…was… oh never mind. But I did hear that the extinction of the Dodo bird came shortly after they gave the female Dodos the right to vote. lol. (that’s my joke). lol