On February 11, 1932 it was 84 degrees at Charlottesville, Virginia.
The Roanoke Times
Thu, Feb 11, 1932 – Page 6“THE YEAR OF NO WINTER.
A glance at the calendar shows that the winter is fast passing and that spring will be here in just a few weeks. As a matter of fact, the winter is likely to pass without ever having arrived. Throughout the Eastern section of the United States the winter of 1931-32 will go down in history as one of the mildest on record, causing coal dealers and clothiers to tear their hair in despair. Herbert Janvrin Browne, Washington’s celebrated long range weather forecaster, has been working to ascertain the explanation for the dearth of snow, ice and low temperatures throughout this part of the country and as a result of his labors he comes forward with the announcement that the moon, the sun, the ocean currents and circling winds have conspired in cosmic unity to bring about a year without a winter, so far as the Eastern section of the United States is concerned.”
Feb 11, 1932, page 6 – The Roanoke Times at Newspapers.com
This year, the weather is a little cooler in Virginia.
Ah, yes, it is snowing here in Virginia right now. But it’s caused by climate change because when it snows, climate change. When it’s hot, climate change, etc.