Understanding The US Government

Congress had no trouble confirming the one on the left, but struggles to confirm the one on the right.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Understanding The US Government

  1. arn says:

    Guys,we are running out of conspiracy theories as more and more of them are losing their theoretical status.

    Remember the great replacement theory?
    Something that can be 1000x more observed than any climate change
    but is officially non existent.
    Here comfirmed by French Bernie Sanders.
    It”s your replacement,not mine,so you may take a look

    • William says:

      I observed the theoretical great replacement in Maine in the 90’s when thousands of Somalis were brought in as permanent guests. It was explained that Somalis actually love long cold winters and they have a high level of cultural commonality with French Canadian Catholics. In some areas they are becoming the majority as they have what the anthropologists call a “successful reproductive strategy.”

      • arn says:

        All people with low to 0 contribution to global and technical evolution and low living standards have a very ” successful reproductive strategy ” .
        As kinda part of that I witnessed it with my own eyes
        going within 2 Generations from 5 + to western 1.5 children
        as soon as wealth and education became part of life.
        And those who are the most successful sterelize themselves with wealth and education as happened to Japan,South Korea
        and soon China.

        And those who don’t succeed stay successful in reproducing and creating new lefty highly reproductive voters and future
        civil war warriors(in case the peaceful agenda 2030 takeover fails)in host countries
        as most fail to reach the education and wealth standard
        that is needed for moderate reproduction.

  2. William says:

    Of course, 2024 was the Year of Transgender Visibility. How I long for the days of transgender invisibility. In other news some “patriotic lawmaker” has introduced a bill to rename Greenland “Red White and Blueland” The psychotic freakshow that is the US Gubmint is beginning to make the WWF seem like high culture by comaparison

    • arn says:

      That’s even by American standards crazy and damaging.
      But good as it will further increase the resistance towards US takeover(not that Trump has any interest in Greenland except for the ressources and theoretical shipping routes in case arctic ice vanishes as all experts predict – won’t happen)

  3. Francis Barnett says:

    Who is the sackashit in the left image please?

    • William says:

      Admiral “Rachel” Levine. With otherworldly foresight he got his mother out of a nursing home immediately prior to the Nursing Home Holocaust, aka The Pandemic. He gives the average sackashit a bad name

      • Mike says:

        President Camacho’s Health Doctor!!!
        Makes sense when you say it that way doesn’t it? Freeks were everywhere. Someday someone needs to make the movie… Escape From IDIOCRACY!

      • John Francis says:

        promoted to “Admiral” because.
        Odd coincidence: the Admiral went to same school as General “the traitor “

        • Mike says:

          The White Rage Milley…he needs to be Reinstated and Court Martial for Treason. And the Generals/Officers who agreed to only take his orders not the Presidents neen to break rocks at Leavenworth for Life.

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    Well, there is something wrong with the judicial system, which has increasingly seemed to be chaotic and disorganized, kind of Mad Max’s world of judges where anyone of them can declare himself the imperial wizard and everyone must freeze in place until he allows movement again. It’s the opposite of freedom and justice, with a revolving merry-go-round of clowns declaring they are the ultimate say in this or that.
    Are they trying to force Trump to declare martial law? I almost wish he would, then we would have one system of justice administered uniformly of all.

  5. conrad ziefle says:

    Tulsi, who I predict will become the first female president of the USA, was confirmed today. Indeed, being Hawaiian, she will also be the first female “of color” to achieve both the current and her future positions.

    • Bob G says:

      I go for blondes except for this one. Uffta. As for Tulsi let’s not forget she was a Democrat. This is neither here nor there but she’s not Hawaiian. she was raised there but her heritage is Samoan and European. I find her comments to be reasonable but nothing spectacular. what’s spectacular about her is her looks. I think if she was a four we would never see her on TV again.

      • conrad ziefle says:

        The fact that her comments make sense puts her in front of the other female candidates. And she had enough sense to realize that the Democratic Party stinks, and did not stand for what she believed in. We’ll see how she steps up in her new position.

    • William says:

      Tulsi a WOC? Bit of a stretch. Then again the definition of woman of color has been stretched beyond recognition. Lest we forget the preposterous Fauxcahontas Warren was the first WOC to teach at Haaavahd. The color in her case being corpse white

      • Bob G says:

        Corpse white… and her looks are her best point. lol. the woman, Liz, is constantly hysterical. she’s not presidential material and in my view she’s not wife material either.

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