With their climate scam funding getting cut off, academics are now saying they want to do some actual science.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- dm on Global Warming Threatens The Children
- dm on 90% Certainty – Four Meters Of Sea Level Rise By 2030
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- Bob G on NOAA Climate Fraud Index
- Disillusioned on The Last Refuge
- arn on Global Warming Threatens The Children
- Gamecock on Global Warming Threatens The Children
- czechlist on Global Warming Threatens The Children
- arn on Global Warming Threatens The Children
“….the real problem.”?
There is no real problem. Except for those looking for ‘the real problem.’ They should look in the mirror. They are the problem.
Minnesota had a real problem… in 1886. I think CO2 at that time was under 300. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1886_St._Cloud%E2%80%93Sauk_Rapids_tornado_outbreak
is there more of the story than three paragraphs? I went to msn.com and I can’t find the story.
I found this interesting and it’s a little bit off topic but… this is a bit of a WOW, you’ve got to be kidding… for me. I’m sure many of us have heard that the Panama canal was restricting passages in 2023 maybe 2024 also because of a drought which was obviously caused by climate change haha. funny how the experts play on our ignorance. I live in Minnesota and a drought in Minnesota is considered maybe 15 to 23 in of rain. A wet year might be 32 in of rain. so when you hear there’s a drought in Panama, which is restricting the number of vessels that can traverse the canal, isn’t it reasonable to think, oh my goodness, it’s not raining there much, maybe they’re only getting 20 in of rain, how awful. I’m shocked to learn tonight that a drought in Panama is considered 80 in of rain. Hhmmmm. maybe the problem is it takes 50 million gallons of water for only one ship to traverse the canal. https://www-cnbc-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/11/12/panama-canal-cargo-container-trade-rebound-record-drought.html?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17387286411906&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnbc.com%2F2024%2F11%2F12%2Fpanama-canal-cargo-container-trade-rebound-record-drought.html. bottom line that was never a drought in Panama. what there was was a year or two of below average rainfall
For decades Co2 was blown by humans into the atmosphere
and it was so little of a problem that experts came up with the ice age scare.
For 100s of millions of years co2 concentrations were much higher
and it never was a problem.
For hundreds of millions of years the temperatures were higher
and it never was the problem.
Life on earth is used to higher temperatures and the current lower temperatures are the problem.
Lower temperatures = less life on earth.
The problem is that certain groups parasitize upon a host .
And they
need a problem as justification.
As Patrick Moore from greenpeace said:
Once we achieved our original goals with greenpeace we needed to find new problems to keep the donations coming.
Or as Booker T Washington said 100 years ago:
“There is a class of race problem solvers who do not want the patient to get well,because as long as the disease holds out they can get money and fame”
According to Bob Woodson 70% of the billions that went into fighting poverty
since LBJ started the welfare state,
were absorbed by the bureaucrats and never reached the streets.
Those problems mainly exist,and are maintained or even artificially created
because 90% of the do gooders are actually parasites.
If it were not the case the problem solvers would have solved the problems long
ago or at least pointed out the flaws and started correcting the approach.
The fact that this never happens(before it goes viral) is prove that the only problem these people want to solve are their empty pockets.
I’ve said something for years about the environmental control agency or whatever it’s called. Once they cleaned up the environment they had to find something else to do to justify their existence like outlaw gas stoves and also call plant food a dangerous greenhouse gas. Hello! the environment is now clean… so go go go president Trump and fire them all
That’s why things like the war on drugs will never succeed even if the CIA were not involved in drug smuggling.
The day this happens the DEA would cease to exist –
and no matter how lazy,dumb or incompetent those people are.
They are alwaysworld class in creating demand for themselves.
You can create today a Bigfoot-Agency
and hunt down all Bigfoots within the next 10 years.
In 2035 the Agency will tell you
that they now need to protect us from the Candyman
and that the number of Orcs has increased by 300% and that they need a bigger budget.
The grifters band together to protect their enterprises
The recent DNC meeting was funnier and included even singing.
But in Mel Brooks defense – the wild west was way more civilized than the woke west so it didn’t have that much fun potential.
Wow, those first few sentences of the article sound like a skeptic wrote them! This is amazing!
Rhymes with OJ will never stop looking for the real killers.
Climate change not real. Caused by human CO2 not real, and being pronounced not real. So they are off to find another boogeyman to explain the bogus climate change. The article is adolescent science.