“Letters: Global warming makes no sense”

In her Dec. 4 column, Bonnie Erbe displays the kind of fuzzy thinking that for too many people these days passes for logic.

She states that the United Nations says 25 million people have been forced to migrate because territory became uninhabitable because of climate change. She goes on to say that the UN predicts 200 million people will become refugees because of climate change by midcentury, when, she postulates, “it will become a problem even those who doubt the existence of man-made climate change can’t ignore.”

Apparently, her reasoning goes, there is climate change, therefore it is man-made.

Can she explain, I wonder, how ice ages came and went without man’s help?

Europe was covered with glaciers 10,000 years ago. What man-made activity caused that? The earth warmed and the ice retreated. What man-made activity caused that? Oil deposits exist in Arabia today because the area was a lush swamp millions of years ago. Did it become a desert because of man-made activity?

You cannot surmise effect proves cause. Else the rooster will be able to prove to all that the sun rising is a result of his crowing.

Facts are facts because they are facts, not because they are strongly believed, widely believed or conveniently believed. They are facts because they are true and provable.

Larry Viles



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to “Letters: Global warming makes no sense”

  1. Mike Davis says:

    My local newspaper!! 🙂 A local temperature of 20 f at 9:30!

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