“Big, Healthy” Polar Bears Being Shot In Canada

Coutu-Autut said the bear shot on Wednesday was big and healthy, and should provide plenty of meat for local Inuit.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to “Big, Healthy” Polar Bears Being Shot In Canada

  1. Mike Davis says:

    Shut down the schols and let the “indigenous” Peoples of the world go back to their lifestyles “living in harmony with nature” with what they had to cope with nature before we “Disturbed” their life style. They are in Cancun asking for that. It should happen. Make their homeland off limits to all outsiders and make it a natural reserve. Do not allow them to leave either. All modern conveniences wold have to be removed from the area.

  2. davidxn says:

    Great.. Polar Bears supposed to be “in danger”, and they’re killing them. Someone notify Obama immediately.

  3. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    So all these people have been turning off the lights and some idiot in Canada just blows them away because it touched their rubbish, time to shoot the humans?

  4. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Isn’t it winter, how come they are not all out on that amazing ice where they belong. They whinge in summer when they are too close, now it’s winter and they like to hang out where it’s warmer!

    • suyts says:

      And the pickings are easier. For a poley bear, the challenge of a seal would be much greater right now than the challenge of a child. As overpopulation of the bears continue, so will these occurrences.

  5. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    “Late winter to blame” WTF noooooooo It’s too cold for them!!!

  6. I can’t wait until there is a large enough turn over in Washington in elections to where America can reverse all the restrictions on drilling for oil in Alaska. The polar bears we be just fine then too.

  7. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Hey they said LATE WINTER, but NASA says EARLY WINTER. So which is it LOL


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