Joe Biden reports 161,000 deaths in the 2011 Joplin, MO tornado – a city of 50,000 people.
Joe Biden reports 161,000 deaths in the 2011 Joplin, MO tornado – a city of 50,000 people.
Is it the booze or the ice-cube headache at work here?
He was so used to counting Dem voter records that he was confused. Their motto “Vote often. Bring your dead”.
If you want a little fun, go to a cemetery in a mostly Democratic precinct during the next election, and put “I VOTED!” stickers on the tombstones.
It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it.
The dumbest man to ever hold elective office in Washington D.C.
Wellll… there was the guy who said we couldn’t send more military personnel to Guam because the island might tip over due to extra weight. He gives old “Shotgun Joe” a run for his money in the smarts department.
The next libgressive that opens his mouth about some ‘dumb’ conservative will get a Biden moment down his throat…
I no we have some dumb politicians here in oz and I no of a few in the uk.But this fool biden takes the cake,they say his brain is the size of a pimple in a wrinkle on a money spiders ball.There is no other way to say it biden is a PLONKER.
Someone should ask him if they are still dead.
You mean he didn’t ask them to stand up and be recognized for dying?
I was driving west on I-70 in Missouri that day when Joplin go hit. Bound for N. Kansas City, MO. Had one tornado pass about 10 miles behind me near Columbia and then had to pull off near Blackwater due to hail and another passing over a couple miles in front of me. I didn’t see either of them but when I’m trucking in potentially inclement or dangerous weather conditions like that my radio is always tuned to the NWS stations.
The actual number of deaths was 161 all Joe did was follow Ben Bernanke’s lead. Ole’ Ben has been adding zeros to the US money supply since he was elected to the Federal Reserve by the other Banksters.
The new Common Core Math in action folks.
Funny you mention Common Core, I just watched a 2 hr lecture on Common Core. You talk about some scary shit. I would encourage people to watch this, even though it is very long, it gives quite an insight into what our government is really trying to do to us.
In the future, I think they will try to call any speech which questions Common Core or the principles that it teaches, a form of hate speech.
Of course this is the same Joe Biden who said with a straight face that the ’29 market crash happened during the FDR administration, which began in March of 1933.
He makes you long for Dan Quayle.
Dan Quale where are you when we need you?
More on Common Core at Invisible Serf’s Collar:
The whole website is about Common Core. Robin is a lawyer who has been reading the legal documents involved. As you say very scary pig feces.
Steve, why didn’t you include the correct figure: was it 50, 000?
161…total deaths from the tornado.
50,000 population of Joplin.
Biden…everyone in Joplin died 3x because of the tornado.
Right, so Steve’s rhetorical point was lost. Biden didn’t exaggerate by a factor of 3 , but by a factor of 1,000. Steve failed to point that out.
So everyone in Joplin was killed. Is it a ghost town now?
Yes, but more vigorous than normal ghost towns. It has an active population debit. The next 111,000 people moving into Joplin after the tornado will also be garnished. Prince Philip calls it a “model town” for the 21st century.
162 people died
What a moron he’s watched to many zombie films quick get the old fart of the funny stuff
The big problem is no one but us will actually check the numbers and like the climate march, the inflated numbers are what people will see and the MSM propaganda machine will repeat endlessly.