Ohio Climatologist Worried About Warming


Getting warmer: Climatologist says it’s time to act on global warming
Sunday, December 19, 2010  02:58 AM

Lonnie Thompson is one of the country’s most respected climatologists for his research examining the retreat of high altitude glaciers around the globe. In his most recent paper, “Climate Change: The Evidence and Our Options,” Thompson offers his conclusions on what must be done to address global warming.

The Ohio State University researcher sat down with The Dispatch this month to discuss his paper


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Ohio Climatologist Worried About Warming

  1. Mike Davis says:

    I knew there was an exaggeration when I read that they were referring to a well respected Climatologist that does not archive or share his data and methods which makes him a scam artist.
    This was one of Brother Al’s advisers for AIT! Thermometer that was claimed to be his was really Mann’s.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    You would think these alarmists would stay in their holes until the wather warmed up.

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    Yeah yeah yeah, just show us your data you crooked fraud.

    • drewski says:

      Show who the data — Goddard? Hahahaha

      • Mike Davis says:

        Your hero Lonnie managed to provide 3 different sets of data for one ice core and each showed the needed results for that particular study. However there is no archived data for that core to know which results are correct or if all three were just made up Shi@ that looked good. It is the same with most of the work he received many millions of dollars to partly complete.
        There are people that would like to use Ice Core records to replicate the historical records but Lonnie’s position of not sharing made them sceptics of all the AGW BS!

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