Understanding The Unprecedented Warming Of The 20th Century


According to fake temperatures from NASA, the Earth has warmed an unprecedented 0.7C this past century, shown in green below.

ScreenHunter_5416 Dec. 21 07.23

Actual scientists would describe this as noise, but that isn’t who we are dealing with.

ScreenHunter_5417 Dec. 21 07.30

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Understanding The Unprecedented Warming Of The 20th Century

  1. manicbeancounter says:

    Using HADCRUT4, I would use from 2001. There is a slight decline from that year as well. The reason for this is that the period 1974-2001 is the longest period since 1850 when the warming can be accounted for by CO2 alone if you assume a doubling of CO2 levels will lead to 3 degrees of warming. To be specific Mauna Loa levels increased from 329.7 to 371.3, predicting a 0.51 C rise, the same as the rise using least squares. It is probably the the only period in over 400,000 years that can be accounted for by CO2.
    From 2001 to 2013, CO2 levels increased from 371.3 to 396.5, giving a predicted rise of 0.28 Celsius. HADCRUT4 shows a fall of -0.01 degrees of warming. We have a 0.3 C deficit in warming since 2001 – more if you use the satellite record or add in other GHGs.

  2. gator69 says:

    I’d like to know what actual attorneys and actual jurors call it.

  3. Centinel2012 says:

    Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
    Political noise trumps science every time!

  4. ntesdorf says:

    Describing the variations in the graph as noise is particularly apt. The variations are less than the usual error in reading the thermometer and they are certainly less than the ‘adjustments’ that are regularly applied by the Warmista Climatologist record keepers.

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