The dirty little secret in the Arctic is that sea ice has returned to stable 2005/2006 levels
The 97% consensus that a meltdown is occurring, is nothing but propaganda. Arctic sea ice is almost identical to a decade ago.
This shouldn’t be surprising, because Northern Hemisphere temperatures have been declining over the past decade.
Meanwhile, atmospheric CO2 continues to increase rapidly – indicating once again that the CO2Â thermostat is broken.
Climate experts and politicians will continue to lie about this for as long as they can get away with it.
CO2 is no climate driver. Never has been, never will be.
However it does drive climate science and climate policies. And in the mean time it does drive irrational people crazy, up to the point of institutionalized mass murder.
let’s call it CO2mmunism then. So everybody knows what is really coming.
Taking the long view:
“The recent reduction of the ice extent in the Eastern area is still within the variation range observed over the past 300 yrs.”
My car has oil in the engine, but the oil does not power the engine. If you want to know what drives something, look for a power source.
My car runs for thousands of miles after I fill the engine with oil.
Pffft! That’s nuthin’. My truck has run for over 145,000 miles on about 3 Gallons of coolant.
Blah! My garage beer fridge ran for 10 years on one plug-in. If my wife didn’t order me to clean behind it would still run on the first plug-in!
Well that aint squat! My grandmother had enough oxygen in her lungs from one swat on her butt, to live 90 years.
Nuts! You can’t compare your grandmother to my fridge. Swats on the butt were bigger back then. And you didn’t have to clean dust bunnies from her coils.
You got me there. Plus grandma never even held a single beer.
Gator69 writes ” If you want to know what drives something, look for a power source. ”
Are you suggesting that progressives are run by shared insanity?
Hubris, the ancient force.
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