NSIDC’s Hopes Shattered

Two weeks ago, NSIDC was hoping the multi-year ice in the Beaufort Sea would melt out.

The presence of open water surrounding the floes allows for enhanced lateral and basal ice melt, raising the possibility that much of the multiyear ice in this region will melt out during the remainder of the summer.

Open and shut | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

This ice is now covered with fresh snow, and is showing no signs of melt.

ScreenHunter_2734 Aug. 20 10.28

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to NSIDC’s Hopes Shattered

  1. Alf says:

    “Artic sea ice is well below average” or artic sea ice is showing significant signs of recovery. different ways of spinning the same event. Which is more truthful??

    • AndyG55 says:

      “well below average”?

      Based on a pitifully short period that essentially started at the coldest time in the last 50 or so years. (mid 1970’s)

      But compared to the whole of the current interglacial, WELL ABOVE AVERAGE.

    • Dmh says:

      Both are true, the Arctic ice has been mostly below average since approx. 1995, when the AMO shifted to positive phase,

      It’s showing signs of rebound since 2008, when the maximum extent (April-May) started to get closer to the average again, after the very low levels of 2007.
      In the last 3 years the minimum extent has been above 6 million km2 (15% concentration – DMI analysis), with good chances to repeat the feat this year,
      and the 30% concentration close to 4 million km2, as happened in 2009-10,
      The “recovery” seems well defined IMO, and it should accelerate in the coming years, due to less solar activity of the declining phase of the present cycle.

    • rah says:

      The first is for those that live in the now and are so obviously desperate for anything to portray as unusual and a sign that can be used to support the green agenda at the up coming Paris “summit”.

      The second is for those that are skeptics and which question everything about this supposed “disaster” the former claims is in the making.

      But it seems to me the real point here is that the predicted Arctic “death spiral” has not happened and shows no signs that it will. Thus that claim, a central one made and emphasized by those that declare we humans are changing the global climate, has been proven to be pure fiction. As has been the case with atmospheric and ocean temperatures, ocean “acidifcation”, coral bleaching, eminent collapse of the western Ice Shelf in the Antarctic, increased intensity of tropical storms, increased incidence of tornadoes and violent weather, etc, etc, etc………..

    • catweazle666 says:

      It’s a cyclic phenomenon – possibly correlated with inter alia the North Atlantic oscillation – that has just completed a negative cycle and has now turned positive, so North polar ice is increasing.

      Just another example of Standard Operating Procedure for the Warmists is to cherry-pick a section of a clearly cyclic process, do a linear regression, extrapolate it to Armageddon and run round hooting and screeching about the sky falling.

      Take no notice.

  2. Crashx says:

    The first snowfall on the ice is a key part of the halt in reported ice area loss, in my opinion. The snow enhances the albedo of the ice so that it is discernible in the measurement algorithms, getting the programs to actually count the ice that is there by reducing the concentration bias. The snow that falls in the water between the floes cools the temp of the water quickly while pushing the salinity down and the snow that falls on the melt ponds brightens the fresh ice surface to get it to “count” as ice again.

    • bit chilly says:

      indeed, the cryosphere area model is only good for showing how many melt ponds there are and not much else. that is why you et huge unphysical jumps in area on a daily basis.

  3. cotwome says:

    Barrow Alaska had a low of 27°F and reported snow on August 19. Currently not much melting going on.

  4. Ken L says:

    All their sea ice extent charts appear to place 2015 lower than 2013-14, as if there were some rapid melt in the last 3 weeks over the entire area. Yet Hudson Bay remains covered,,news to me.

  5. talldave2 says:

    Clearly this is another telltale sign of global warming.

  6. Ron Clutz says:

    MASIE is reporting a big drop in Beaufort Sea ice extent yesterday. And despite what warmists say, this is not a bad thing.

  7. Marsh says:

    Investing in Icebreaker Ships is looking to be promising ; I’m predicting it to be a Bull market, despite the Bears performing well…

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