Glaciers In North Africa

During The Little Ice Age there were glaciers in Morocco, but by 1912 glaciers were melting all over the world.

“Glaciers were much larger and more numerous during the Little Ice Age. Small glaciers even existed as far south as the High Atlas of Morocco and the Sierra Nevada of southern Spain. In more northerly areas, such as the western Balkans, glaciers and permanent snow fields occupied hundreds of cirques on relatively low-lying mountains.”

Little Ice Age glaciers in the Mediterranean mountains

“It appears that, save over a small area, the glaciers of the world are retreating to the mountains. The Arapahoe glacier in the Rockies has been melting at a rapid rate for several years. The glacier on Mount Sarmiento in South America. which descended into the sea during the last century, is now separated from the shore by a vigorous growth of timber The Jacobshaven glacier in Greenland has retreated four miles since the year 1860, and the East glacier in Spitzbergen is more than a mile away from its old terminal moraine. In Scandinavia the snow line is farther up the mountains, and the glaciers have withdrawn 3,000 feet from the lowlands in a century”

Sausalito News 30 November 1912 — California Digital Newspaper Collection

According to Michael Mann’s hockey stick, glaciers melt during the coldest years of the last millennium, while they form when temperatures are warmer.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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