Hottest Year Ever : “December was coldest month for 25 years”

it was also the coldest December since records began 100 years ago.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Hottest Year Ever : “December was coldest month for 25 years”

  1. don penman says:

    The UK Met Office I believe have made certain predictions about 1998 being overtaken as warmest year in the world temperature record before 2015 ,we can add to this 2007 being beaten as lowest arctic summer minimum ice extent before then.I hope that we see world temperatures fall in the next few years and arctic summer minimum ice extent increase as Joe Bastardi predicts.

    • truthsword says:

      Isn’t it sad we have to “hope” for cold weather to stop the AGW crap? I too, was excited a fewe years back about the cold shift I knew we’d be getting, because I thought that it would put to bed this nonsense. Now, knowing that we are in a cool cycle and the AGW crowd just crows global warming causes cold and snow, reversing what they were saying all along without hardly a blink… I just wish it was warmer and more comfotable. Why should we hope for weather that kills people because Governments are so stupid they pretend winter doesn’t exist anymore and aren’t prepared. This is showing more than ever in the UK where so many people are dying from negligence.

      At least if it was really warming, thousands of lives would have been spared. I don’t “hope” for cooler weather to bring home common sense anymore. I just hope for the return of common sense. Let the other side willfully desire weather that kills people to prove their point. I’m having no more of getting pulled down into their sludge over this.

  2. don penman says:

    I do not hope for more people to die from the cold either hopefully the winter will be less extreme next year but we will be in a cold pdo cycle.

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