“Powerful Financial Support For Climate Deniers”


h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to “Powerful Financial Support For Climate Deniers”

  1. B.Kindseth says:

    Your link is not working. Here is a corrected link: http://climatequotes.com/

    I got to the link by copying and pasting the url in my browser.

    This is interesting information. Recommend everyone pass it on to their congressman.

  2. pwl says:

    USA Government Fiscal Year 2011 Climate Change Budget: USD$2,481 million! That’s USD$2.48 BILLION DOLLARS for Research Scientists to make the case that the climate changes… which we already know… as climate has changed on Earth for ~4.3 billion years…

  3. DEEBEE says:

    Money well spent! Those damned peer reviews are expensive.

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    These budgets should immediately be cut in half. Then half again. This amount of money is insane.

    What exactly does the DOE, for one, do anyway!!

  5. BioBob says:

    I agree – THERE is 2.5 billion that could be cut to zero with no lasting detrimental effects – and more likely a positive outcome.

    DOE manages all of the nuclear facilities used for generating nuclear bombs past and present effects, eg waste site cleanup, waste storage eg yucca mtn, etc etc. They also supervise research on all sorts of new methods of generating energy like cellulosic ethanol, fusion, etc.

  6. Dr. Killpatient says:

    Michael Mann needs to feed his kids somehow.

  7. Philip Finck says:

    I’d be happy to get $50,000 for my research budget , verses $2500 …… but then I’m just a stupid skeptic.

  8. Lance says:

    I believe Jo Nova did a very good article on the $’s groups were getting. Can’t recall how long ago though.

  9. Sundance says:

    Can we get funding levels back to what they were when CO2 was 350PPM?

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