Palin Charged With Using A Map Of The US

Even more shocking, the map included Arizona – but did not include the rest of the 57 states that Obama has visited.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Palin Charged With Using A Map Of The US

  1. suyts says:

    Yes, as a result of this shooting, we’re going to have to ban the use of the word “target” and dismantle a fine retail store chain.

    Seriously, though, the massacre at Tuscon was a horrible tragedy and my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims’ loved ones. Its a disgraceful shame some used this nation’s misfortune to fire political salvos at conservatives.

    You know, this Tuscon shooting is quite the contrast to the Ft. Hood shooting. One shoots a bunch of people with the target of public servant, saying nothing, just shooting. Obviously motivated by conservative angst and Palin’s map missing the other 7 states. The other went in and start shooting a bunch of people in service to the public, shouting “Allahu Akbar”. Obviously a whack-job without motivating oration or visual cues or a group of people inciting violence. One, we’re warned, “don’t rush to judgment” by the oval office. The other, for 4 days they say nothing about the lunatic left’s fomenting about fomenting.

    Thirteen people were killed and 30 people were injured. At Tuscon, left six dead and 14 injured. Other than the lesser amount of people killed, and the obvious motive at Ft. Hood, the only difference I see is that the supposed target at Tuscon was a democrat. I suppose I could be charitable and say that maybe the president has learned from the piss-poor response he had from the Ft. Hood massacre, but experience tells me that he counts a dem as one of his own, but, soldiers and their loved ones, well, they’re not. Cynical? Yes, but reality based.

    • Dave G says:

      Why didn’t the POTUS come out saturday afternoon “please don’t rush to judgement” Hum? but that just gave Palin time to get her dig in before last nights speech/political rally

  2. NoMoreGore says:

    Clearly, it was the states that were missing from the map that set him off. It’s amazing that so many foam spitters could upchuck in unison that way. Must take practice.

    I watched pawlenty the other night on Fox. Cool Calm. Don’t know much about him tho. ALL of the left’s hatred is being vomited at Palin. They are making her more of a star than she would have been had they left her alone. But it’s disgusting. Absolutely Reprehensible. Makes me want to vote for her just to tick them off.

  3. BioBob says:

    I think its hilarious !

    Palin Derangement Syndrome !

    I have been known to initiate a Palin discussion just to watch the foam fly, LOL

  4. Paul H says:

    Just seen Obarmy’s highly choreographed speech at the memorial in Tucson.

    He says “We have to stop doing politics like this” ( or words to that effect).

    Excuse me? What has politics got to do with this affair?

    I find it utterly despicable that anyone should seek to use a memorial to make political capital.

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